Some examples of using WMI through [TWAPI COM support]. Note that these are for illustrating use of [WMI]. Where possible, it is much more efficient to use [TWAPI]'s commands that directly layer on top of the Win32 API. All examples assume you have initialized with package require twapi 1.0 set wmi [twapi::_wmi] and remember to do a $wmi -destroy at the end ---- '''BIOS''' Print [BIOS] information $wmi -with { {ExecQuery "select * from Win32_BIOS"} } -iterate bios { puts [$bios GetObjectText_] } Print a specific [BIOS] field $wmi -with { {ExecQuery "select * from Win32_BIOS"} } -iterate bios { puts [$bios BiosVersion] } ---- '''Windows services''' Print list of Windows services that are set to autostart. $wmi -with { {ExecQuery "select * from Win32_Service where StartMode='Auto'"} } -iterate svc { puts [$svc DisplayName] } ---- '''Network adapters''' Print list of network adapters in the system. $wmi -with { {ExecQuery "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter"} } -iterate net { puts "[$net DeviceID]:[$net Description]:[$net Status]" }