Version 9 of TCLFPDF

Updated 2023-03-11 03:26:59 by LAM

TCLFPDF, by LAM, is a port of tFPDF(" ") (1.33) from PHP to TCL.

This is a modified class of FPDF(" ") (1.85) that adds support for UTF-8.

It is, therefore, a complete update of the previous version of 2014, which maintains backward compatibility, but adds full support for UTF-8.

I have tried to be as faithful as possible to the original, keeping the names and structure of programs.This way it should be possible to port the examples or addons with minimal effort.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome.


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Last Update

2023 - march

YS 2014-11-03: Why did you chose to port this project instead of using pdf4tcl?

LAM 2014-11-03: Actually I started this project to share the library between PHP and Tcl. This was a couple of years ago but it was not until this year that I could complete enough for general use.