[TSP] 24th of November 2007: T2I is a multi-network supporting [IRC] client I'm working on currently. It's my main project on Tcl. **Features** * is compact and easy to use * supports multi-networking * colored userlist based on the user's channel status The Google code page for TSP: http://code.google.com/p/t2i/ **Code** Of course, since I'm working actively on T2I, it's good that Google Code provides a Subversion repository. What you need here to build T2I from [SVN]: * [Tclkit] (old revisions needed 8.5, 8.4 is supported now) * [Starkit]/[sdx].kit * a SVN client To build T2I from SVN: 1. Get the sources from the repository, [URL] is http://t2i.googlecode.com/svn/trunk. 2. The directory from the SVN contains the t2i.vfs directory: wrap it with tclkit to get the T2I binary. ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Internet]|% !!!!!!