[http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/3757/zi43ate5.jpg] [Stuart Cassoff] Homepage http://www3.sympatico.ca/stuart.cassoff/index.html mailto:stwo@users.sourceforge.net Tcl-related software and Tcl extensions available on my website: * [AIN] - Array In Namespace * [CAS] - Characters And Strings * [Ceptcl] - Communications EndPoints for Tcl * [Herring] - Extension for [TkChat] * [Listex] - List Extensions * [Netinfo] - Protocol, service, network and host info * [NS] - Namespace Supplement * [PMI] - Simple [pkg_mkIndex] replacement * [SIFT] - Simple Installer For Tcl * [SPITE] - Simple Packager and Installer for Tcl Extensions * [Tpett] - Tcl Proc Evaluator/Timer/Tester * [TWiG] - Tcl Wiki Getter Some things in this wiki for which I may claim responsibility: * [Packet] - Manipulate network packets * [Tcl Poetry] - Poetry in or about Tcl * [Runnable Images] - Images that run! * [Quick Slide Show] - Slide show based on runnable images ---- [Category Person]