[ulis], 2003-09-10 [http://perso.wanadoo.fr/maurice.ulis/tcl/spheres.gif] Inspired from [Marco Maggi]'s page: [Experimenting with graphics algorithms]. ---- '''The proc''' ====== proc gradient {image relief light source} { set sunken [string match sun* $relief] set light [expr {$light * 96 + 32}] set source [expr {0.5 + $source / 2.0}] set D [image width $image] set R [expr {$D / 2}] set R2 [expr {$R * $R}] for {set y 0} {$y < $D} {incr y} { set Dy2 [expr {($y - $R) * ($y - $R)}] set dy [expr {($y * $source - $R)}] set dy2 [expr {$dy * $dy}] for {set x 0} {$x < $D} {incr x} { set Dx2 [expr {($x - $R) * ($x - $R)}] set Dxy [expr {$Dx2 + $Dy2}] if {$Dxy <= $R2} { set dx [expr {($x * $source - $R)}] set dx2 [expr {$dx * $dx}] set dxy [expr {$dx2 + $dy2}] set color [expr {int(127 + $light * (1.0 - ($dxy / $R2 / 1.5)))}] if {$sunken} { set color [expr {int(127 + $light * 2 - $color)}] } set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $color $color $color] $image put $color -to [expr {$D - $x}] [expr {$D - $y}] } } } } ====== ---- '''The demo''' ====== proc demo {args} { # args set size 128 set light 1.0 set source 0.0 foreach {key value} $args { switch -glob -- $key { -li* { if {$value < 0.0 ||$value > 1.0} { error "light should be between 0.0 and 1.0" } set light $value } -si* { set size $value } -so* { if {$value < 0.0 ||$value > 1.0} { error "source should be between 0.0 and 1.0" } set source $value } default { error "unknown option \"$key\"" } } } # title wm title . "spheres" # canvas set ww $size; incr ww $size; incr ww set hh $size; incr hh canvas .c -width $ww -height $hh -relief groove -bd 1 grid .c -padx 50 -pady 10 # raised image image create photo raised -width $size -height $size set x 3; set y 3 .c create image $x $y -image raised -anchor nw gradient raised raised $light $source # sunken image incr x $size image create photo sunken -width $size -height $size .c create image $x $y -image sunken -anchor nw gradient sunken sunken $light $source # button button .b -text Quit -width 6 -command exit -bd 1 grid .b -pady 10 bind .b { %W invoke } bind . { exit } } package require Tk 8.4 demo -size 96 -light 0.9 -source 0.1 ====== ---- [RLH]: Thanks for the code. However, all the \'s to enforce a non-Tcl coding style makes it really ugly to look at. [ulis] I let you the responsability to say that it's 'a non-Tcl coding style'. I think the contrary and that coding style is a matter of taste. [TV] I'd say real ugly is an ugly exageration. Maybe a simple search and replace few-liner? [RLH]: The I would say "ugly" and not "real ugly" but this is only a small snippet of code. Imagine it being 1000 times bigger. [ulis] To know that you can look at my packages that are almost all bigger than 1000 lines. ---- '''Modified to use a dot-product for a simple (but accurate) lighting model ''' ====== proc draw_sphere {image } { set D [image width $image] set R [expr {$D / 2}] set invR [expr {1.0/$R}] set R2 [expr {$R * $R}] # direction to light source (normal vector) set lightX 0.4472 set lightY 0.5366 set lightZ 0.7155 # iterate top to bottom for {set sy 0} {$sy < $D} {incr sy} { set y [expr {($sy - $R)}] set xmax [expr {$R2-$y*$y}] if { $xmax < 0 } {continue} set xmax [expr {int(sqrt($xmax))}] set xmin [expr {$R-$xmax}] set xmax [expr {$R+$xmax}] set vY [expr {$y * $invR}] # iterate left to right, but only within the circle for {set sx $xmin} {$sx <= $xmax} {incr sx} { set vX [expr {($sx-$R) * $invR}] set vZ [expr {1.0 - $vY*$vY - $vX*$vX}] if { $vZ < 0 } { set vZ 0 } set vZ [expr {sqrt($vZ)}] # dot product of light vector with surface normal vector set color [expr {$lightX*$vX+$lightY*$vY+$lightZ*$vZ}] if { $color < 0.0 } { set color 0.0 } if { $color > 1 } { set color 1 } set red [expr {int(255 * $color)}] set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $red $red $red ] $image put $color -to [expr {$D - $sx}] [expr {$D - $sy}] } } } proc demo2 {} { wm title . "sphere" set size 97 set ww [expr 2*$size] set hh [expr 2*$size] canvas .c -width $ww -height $hh -bg #6060ff grid .c -padx 50 -pady 10 .c create rectangle 0 [expr $hh/3] $ww $hh -fill #00aa00 -outline {} # raised image image create photo sphere_img -width $size -height $size set x [expr $ww/2] set y [expr $hh*2.0/3] .c create image $x $y -image sphere_img -anchor c draw_sphere sphere_img } demo2 ====== <> Example | Graphics | Image processing