[Arjen Markus] (20 december 2017) On the brink of the newyear I have decided it is time to try and realise an old idea: form a group of Tclers with a common interest in (system) simulation. By simulation I mean both natural systems and engineering systems and possibly other sorts of systems as well. (I have bluntly stolen the title from the ACM ...) This page is currently a place holder, but the group has been formed: Adrien Peulvast is also keen to participate. Concrete ideas are budding, as I write this, but they are far from mature ;). If you are interested, leave your name here. Arjen Markus (arjen) - I mainly deal with simulations of "natural" systems, using PDEs and ODEs, as well as statistical techniques. But in my spare time I am interested in a much wider category of systems. Denny Moore (dmoore) Adrien Peulvast (APE) **Objectives** Things to aim for with this group: * Delineate what sort of systems (or simulations of systems) we are interested in * Identify the tools we have and identify what tools we lack * Define/build/develop - in a pragmatic way! - a framework for simulating and testing the sort of systems we are interested in. (''Note:'' It may be very ambitious to put everything we want to do with simulation into a single "solution", so perhaps we should aim for several more dedicated frameworks) * Demonstrate the strong points of Tcl/Tk regarding such systems From a more technical point of view: * We may need to include third-party libraries, such as databases or queueing systems <>Category Person