SourceForge - aka [SF] - is an ambitious attempt to provide open source projects with freely available source code , bug, and request management facilities, mailing list support, compile farm access, software distribution, and more. The effort has over 20,000 projects at this time. As of January, 2003 the massive collaborative project support site at SourceForge [] has (at least) 629 projects in (or using) Tcl and Tcl/Tk Some stay in the top downloads, or high-activity category. This page is started because ''so many'' projects have been moving to SF. To make the most of your own explorations of SF, you'll likely want to use [CVS]; before you start, read "Introduction to Project CVS Services" [] or perhaps the SF "CVS HOWTO" []. Browse these projects from their trove list at: Free to OpenSource developers, and development collaborators, SourceForge provides: * Apache/PHP web support with CGIs * SSH based shell access * FreeBSD and multi-version Linux compile resources * Web and mailing list feedback/discussions * CVS repository with SSH-based update, public access and CVSweb * High speed FTP and HTTP download sites But rather than ''advertising'' SourceForge here, go browse the projects, or start your own, and announce it below: * [] The Tcl core software home * [] The Tk core software home * [] [] Abuse Postmasters' Tool * [] [] AOLserver * [] [] Brag * [] [] Capster * [] [] CarMP3 * [] [] Drone * [] [] Ecume * [] [] Entity ... * [] [] Tcl SOAP and XML-RPC * [] [] TclXML and TclDOM * [] [] TiK Instant Messenger * [] [] TiK (non-core) Packages and Plugins * [] [] Tix ''Tk Interface eXtension'' * [] [] Tk Console * [] [] TkInspect * [] [] TLS ''OpenSSL/RSA-bsafe extension'' * [] [] TclUDP ''Tcl UDP extension'' ... * [] [] vTcl ... * [] [] Yozilla browser * [] [] LinuDent ''Dental Front Office Application' etc. There is also a small ''code snippets'' library there: ---- Please note that not everyone is perfectly content with sourceforge: You may not agree with them, but they mention some reasonable points. ---- Where in all of SF does one find the ''[tclconfig]'' module that so many TEA based extensions needs? [AK]: It is not a module, but a subdirectory in the module '[sampleextension]' in the project 'tcl'. ---- Get to a bug report, knowing only its number (219137 in this example):