Version 14 of Small Tcl

Updated 2005-03-12 15:01:23 by antirez

Do you want a particularly small version of Tcl to embed in a hardware-constrained device? You're not the first. Here are a few possibilities:

Jim is a small footprint implementation of the Tcl programming language (full binary is around 70kb but can be reduced further), it's not based on an old version of Tcl, but was developed from scratch. Already includes features of Tcl 8.5 like dicts, {expand}, as well as new extensions currently not present in Tcl 8.5, like closures, lambda with gargabe collection, and a reference system.

Karl Lehenbauer has implemented a ROMable "Tiny Tcl" [L1 ] based on 6.8, to be particularly small.

2001-05-07: Tiny Tcl 6.8 is a rommable, minimal Tcl for embedded applications.

Derived from the venerable Tcl 6.7 release, Tiny Tcl 6.8 has a solid Tcl feature set, excluding newer capabilities of Tcl 7 and 8 such as the bytecode compiler, namespaces, sockets, and async event handling, among others. (Still, major applications have been written in Tcl 6.)

Excluding C library functions, Tiny Tcl compiles down to less than 60 Kbytes on most machines, far smaller than any Tcl 7 or Tcl 8 derivatives. On an embedded DOS system with 640K of RAM, programs of up to several thousand lines of code can be executed.

Jean-Claude Wippler re-implemented most of a modern (7.6-like?) Tcl in a particularly compact C++ coding he calls TinyTcl [L2 ].

Larry Smith wrote "Cricket" [L3 ] as a "tiny little interpreter" reminiscent of Tcl - It uses [ and ] for command dispatch as in Tcl, and ( and ) for "second argument dispatch" - allowing one to code, for example (a := $b). The ctools package [L4 ] includes "Tinker", a tiny tcl interpreter without (). He and RS co-authored the "Lightweight Object System for Tcl" [L5 ] which is small, but on top of regular Tcl's.

While John Ousterhout originally created Tcl as exactly an embeddable extension language [include some history here], it's grown into a general-purpose programming language. That growth has, of course, increased its demands on memory and the C run-time library. Key transitions along the way include ... the introduction of socket (7.5 or 7.6) ... the new object system (8.0), and Unicode (8.1-8.3). Versions such as 6.7, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 are popular among those content with a minimalistic Tcl. More on these transitions is available in a page called "Advantages and disadvantages of different Tcl versions".

There are many other less well-known languages especially targeted for embedding. Lua [L6 ] is probably the most prominent of these (and a subject of several experiments by JCW, for example). Another that interests CL is Ficl [L7 ]. All such languages generally fit in under 100K--quite a bit smaller than recent Tcl.

Donal Fellows and others have thought about this opportunity in terms of MicroTcl for Tcl9. A "modularized Tcl" is a goal that's inspired several project starts, none of which are particularly accessible in 2001. Tcl9 might still turn out to be a modularized Tcl, that is, one for which compile-time code and functionality choices are reasonably easy.

John Hall's port of 7.4 to PalmOS [L8 ] is still another instance of a "small Tcl".

Marshall T. Rose also had intentions of porting Tcl to PalmOS, but was able to devote little time to the project.

Ashok Nadkarni has written Palm TCL at (now moved to ) ; based on Tcl 7.6, it provides support for many Palm widgets and rudimentary support for the Palm databases.

See also MicroTcl for Tcl9 and Tcl-To-Go.

ETLinux [L9 ] is a small-footprint LINUX (2MB RAM, 2 MB disk) for embedded systems with a small Tcl interpreter built in.

aku (and tclguy) are working on Modular Tcl, specifically to fulfill an IOS-related contract with Cisco.