Version 11 of Slackware

Updated 2012-01-07 12:40:37 by witek - claims to be the original Linux distribution.

Tcl related packages are available in the repository.

Scott Beasley Well, not the original, but the oldest still in use. I count Yggdrasil as the first "real" Linux distribution. BTW, I am a Slack user.

tb Slackware was based on SLS (Soft Landing System), a Linux distribution that came on 26 floppy disks :)

Scott Beasley SLS was never much more than a play toy, but Slack fixed it right up! :) The Bad ole days of Linux ;)

tb Hail Patrick! :)

RLE (2012-01-06): According to the Wikipedia page on SLS [L1 ] it was:

  • "SLS was the first release to offer a comprehensive Linux distribution containing more than the Linux kernel and basic utilities, including TCP/IP and the X Window System."

My first several Linux installs were via SLS and the 26 floppy shuffle... Then Slackware arrived and that was it for SLS.

Siqsuruq - 2012-01-06 21:54:05

Im a Slack user too. Slackware rocks!!!

witek - 2012-01-07

Those who find Slackware 'too simple' and thus requiring a bit of customization, might be interested in Salix - - that comes with LibreOfice and slapt-get package manager, still being fully backwards compatible with Slackware. Slackware users can benefit from Salix repositories, which they can use as an "extra" quality source of software for their favorite distribution.