[Kevin Walzer]: For some time I've been looking for a simple mechanism to provide drag-and-drop within a Tk application. The idea is to register widgets to be drag sources and/or drop targets, to provide a means for visual display of the drag, and a mechanism to execute a callback when a valid drop is made. While there are lots of code snippets and packages available at the wiki and elsewhere, they are either too complicated (such as [BWidgets] drag and drop), or binary extensionsnot supported on all platforms (such as [TkDND]). The result is that I have developed my own package, called SimpleDND. The basic code, including a demo, is below. If others find this useful, I may submit it to [tklib] in the future. Feedback and improvements are also welcome! The code below is indebted to [Bryan Oakley]'s dnd example at [http://wiki.tcl.tk/416], and to [Ken Jones]' example at [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_thread/thread/33a2ff3d4ac9a6ba/f27f7fde512a505c?hl=en&lnk=st&q=ken+jones+dragstart#f27f7fde512a505c]. ====== namespace eval simplednd { #create the drag icon with text and image; then hide the icon proc makeDragIcon {txt img} { toplevel .dnd wm overrideredirect .dnd true label .dnd.view -image $img -text $txt -compound left pack .dnd.view wm withdraw .dnd } #register widget to respond to drag events: widget to register, its target widget, callback to associate with this drag event, text for the drag label, and image for the drag label proc dragRegister {w target cmd txt img } { catch {simplednd::makeDragIcon $txt $img} puts "$w registered as dragsite with $target as the drop target" #binding for when drag motion begins bind $w [list [namespace current]::dragMove %W %X %Y $txt $img] #binding for when drop event occurs bind $w [list [namespace current]::dragStop %W %X %Y $target $cmd ] } #drag motion with following args: source widget, cursor x position, cursor y position, label text, label image proc dragMove {w x y txt img} { wm deiconify .dnd #configure drag icon with customized text and image .dnd.view configure -text [[namespace current]::getText $w] -image [[namespace current]::getImg $w] catch {raise .dnd} set x [expr {$x - ([winfo reqwidth .dnd] / 2)}] set y [expr {$y - [winfo reqheight .dnd] + 4}] wm geometry .dnd +$x+$y update } #dragstop/drop event with following args: source widget, cursor x position, cursor y position, target widget, callback: if over drop target, execuate callback; otherwise simply return proc dragStop {w x y target cmd} { wm withdraw .dnd if {[winfo containing $x $y] != $target} { puts "target $w not reached" } else { focus -force $target eval $cmd } } #demo package proc demo {} { #create image for demo image create photo dnd_demo -data {R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAMbGxv//////////////////////////////////\ /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAQABAAAAQwMMhJ6wQ4YyuB\ +OBmeeDnAWNpZhWpmu0bxrKAUu57X7VNy7tOLxjIqYiapIjDbDYjADs=} listbox .l -selectmode single -activestyle none listbox .b -selectmode single -activestyle none foreach item {do re mi} { .l insert end $item } foreach item {fa so la} { .b insert end $item } pack .l -side left pack .b -side right #register drag sources with empty text and image to initialize dragRegister .l .b [namespace current]::move_l {} {} dragRegister .b .l [namespace current]::move_b {} {} } #callback for demo proc move_l {} { set item [lindex [.l get [.l curselection]]] .b insert end $item .l delete [.l curselection] } #second callback for demo proc move_b {} { set item [lindex [.b get [.b curselection]]] .l insert end $item .b delete [.b curselection] } #utility proc to get text for icon label; may need replacing in code proc getText {w} { set item [lindex [$w get [$w curselection]]] return $item } #utility proc to get image for icon label; may need replacing in code proc getImg {w} { return dnd_demo } namespace export * } ====== ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!