Version 3 of Simple TCP/IP proxy

Updated 2014-08-16 06:30:14 by vkvalli

MC 14 Oct 2004: Tcl's socket command and non-blocking I/O makes it very easy to do all sorts of fun network things.

Here is an example to proxy/forward in just a few lines of code. I wrote this during the intro to DRH's SQLite talk at the Eleventh Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, since some router somewhere between the hotel and wasn't routing properly.

 set host
 set port 80
 set self 

 proc accept {sock addr p} {
     global host port
     set conn [socket -async $host $port]
     fconfigure $sock -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
     fconfigure $conn -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
     fileevent  $conn readable [list xfer $conn $sock]
     fileevent  $sock readable [list xfer $sock $conn]

 proc xfer {from to} {
     if {([eof $from] || [eof $to]) || 
        ([catch {read $from} data] || [catch {puts -nonewline $to $data}])} {
         catch {close $from}
         catch {close $to}

 set server [socket -server accept -myaddr $self 80]
 vwait forever

vkvalli: A bandwidth throttling proxy based on this

Category Networking