Version 10 of Simple Server/Client Sockets

Updated 2016-09-10 21:32:36 by dgood

* Purpose: Demonstrate server and client socket handling.


MEd 2006/03/02: The link is broken

DPG 2016/09/10: The link is still broken

This package contains 2 Tcl scripts. One is the server and the other is the client. Simply run the server from a console or xterm and then run the client from another console/xterm.

The scripts are fairly well commented and should be as newbie friendly as can be. The client connects to the server and you then simply type anything and the server will reply by echoing back whatever you typed plus a count of the lines sent. You can exit the client side by typing 'exit' and the server will also exit at that time.

Besides server/client socket handling the script provides an example of handling input from stdin, the console or xterm you are running the script from.

From the client script itself:

 # assign our event handler for stdin
 fileevent stdin readable localHandler
 # This is something not obvious for the newbie. Assigning an event
 # handler for stdin is same as any other File Descriptor or socket.
 # The only difference being that the socket was already created by
 # Tcl at startup as one of the default sockets and the name stdin
 # is simply the File Descriptor that Tcl created.

See also stdin and "client/server with fileevent"

DPG Another Example: partyline

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh

set Port 58053
set Debug 0

namespace eval server {}
namespace eval client {}

proc log {lvl msg} {
    global Debug
    if {$lvl eq "debug" && $Debug == 0} {return}
    puts stdout "\[$lvl\] $msg"

proc server::ConnectionHandler {chan addr port} {
    log debug [info level 0]
    variable Clients
    if {[catch {
        fconfigure $chan -blocking 0 -buffering line -translation binary -eofchar {}
        fileevent $chan readable [list [namespace current]::ClientReader $chan]
    } err]} {
        log error "Error configuring channel $chan from ${addr}:${port}, $err"
        catch {close $chan}
    set Clients($chan) [list $addr $port]
    log info "Client $Clients($chan) | Connected"

proc server::ClientReader chan {
    log debug [info level 0]
    variable Clients
    if {[catch {read -nonewline $chan} data]} {
        catch {close $chan}
        log error "Client $Clients($chan) | Read Error: $data"
        log debug $::errorInfo
        log info "Client $Clients($chan) | Dropping client"
        array unset Clients $chan
    if {[eof $chan]} {
        catch {close $chan}
        log debug EOF
        log info "Client $Clients($chan) | Disconnected"
        array unset Clients $chan

    if {$data eq ""} {return}
    log info "Client $Clients($chan) | Says '$data'"

    # Send data to all other connected clients
    foreach c [lsearch -all -inline -not [array names Clients] $chan] {
        log debug "Sending to $c"
        if {[catch {puts $c $data} err]} {
            log error "Client $Clients($c) | Error sending data: $err"
            log debug $::errorInfo

proc client::ReadHandler chan {
    log debug [info level 0]
    if {[catch {read -nonewline $chan} data]} {
        log error "Read Error: $data"
        log debug $::errorInfo
        log info "Disconnecting from service"
        catch {close $chan}
        exit -1
    if {[eof $chan]} {
        log error "Connection to service lost"
        catch {close $chan}
        exit -1

    puts stdout $data

proc client::InputHandler chan {
    log debug [info level 0]

    if {[catch {read -nonewline stdin} data]} {
        log error "Stdin Read Error: $data"
        log debug $::errorInfo
        log info "Disconnecting from service"
        catch {close $chan}
        exit -1
    if {[eof stdin]} {
        log error "Stdin EOF"
        log info "Disconnecting from service"
        catch {close $chan}
        exit -1

    # Send the input to the service
    log debug "stdin got '$data'"
    if {[catch {puts $chan $data} err]} {
        log error "Error Sending to service: $err"
        log debug $::errorInfo
        catch {close $chan}
        exit -1

if {[lsearch $argv -debug] != -1} {
    set Debug 1
    log info "Debugging messages ON"

if {[lsearch $argv -server] != -1} {
    puts "Starting partyline server on port $Port"
    socket -server server::ConnectionHandler $Port
    vwait forever
} else {
    log info "Connecting to partyline on port $Port"
    set chan [socket localhost $Port]
    fconfigure $chan -blocking 0 -buffering line -translation binary -eofchar {}
    fileevent $chan readable [list client::ReadHandler $chan]

    # Send stdin to party line service
    fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 -buffering line
    fileevent stdin readable [list client::InputHandler $chan]

    vwait forever

Start the service by running: partyline -server

Join with a client by running: partyline

Turn on debugging by passing -debug to the script (for both server and client): partyline -debug -server