This page describes how a simple menu program or launch pad can be done with a few easy understandable Tcl/Tk commands. The code works under MSWindows. Launch pad for launching external programs or other TCL scripts Variant 1) A row with three buttons. When a button is pressed a commandline string defined at the beginning of the program is executed. The following script is incomplete, but a start. frame .launchpad button .launchpad.button1 -text "Data files" -command {exec /c explorer "C:\\data" &} pack .launchpad.button1 -side top -fill x button .launchpad.button2 -text "ToDo List" -command {exec /c notepad.exe "C:\\data\\myToDoList.txt" &} pack .launchpad.button2 -side top -fill x button .launchpad.button3 -text "the third button" pack .launchpad.button3 -side top -fill x pack .launchpad -side top console hide ____ Note: To launch an external program the command exec myProg.exe arg1 arg2 & is used. Question1: How do I later assign an exec command to a button? How can I dynamically change the behaviour of buttons? A. $buttonName configure -command [list some_other_command and its arguments] In general, any property set at widget creation time can be changed by the configure sub-command. You can conveniently list all of the options for a widget and their default and current values with: foreach option [$widgetName configure] { puts $option } Question2: Which properties do I have to set that the buttons occupy the whole window width? -fill x is obviously not sufficient. A. -expand yes See also * [DOS BAT magic] * [How to display the result of an external command in a widget] * SmartBar []