[Silas] Justiniano. [http://www.sebopacobello.com.br/more/silas/silas_1_06.08.2004_modificado.jpg] ---- My English blog is [http://silverpc.blogspot.com], which is focused in informatic (English => Computer Science), and my Portuguese blog is [http://diretrizes.blogspot.com], which is focused on Literature. My website will be [http://silas.3base.com.br] (I haven't finished yet). Well... My complete name is Silas Justiniano Veiga da Silva, but I prefer only Silas Justiniano. I'm Brazilian and I speak Portuguese. I'm learning English, but it still is so rude. I'm 18 years old. I finished the High school and next year I'm planning to enter at College, Computer Sciences... but I'm not sure... maybe Informatic Engineering would be a good idea... I know VB, Delphi and [PHP] well, learning Tcl, this wonderful language. I'm interested to be very good with C, C++ and Java, too. I work in a small bookstore where second-hand books are sold. I did the entire website [http://www.sebopacobello.com.br] with [PHP]. Please, enter there and send me your opinion! In the photo above you can see me and my classmates. ---- Some pages on the wiki that I helped with: * [barcode] * [EAN-13 checksum] ---- That's all for now. ---- [[ [Category Person] | [Category Home Page] ]]