Version 24 of Shrinking an image

Updated 2004-02-14 23:29:04

ulis, 2003-12-4. A proc to shrink an image.

Updated 2003-12-6, improved proc (2 times faster).

David Easton, 2003-12-8, improved colour plane creation speed

ulis, 2004-02-05. Roy Terry asked for transparency so I've added a new proc, shrink2, that manages the alpha channel.

(Original photo: to fill)

How it works

It works by linear interpolation:

  p x- 0 -x- 1 -x- 2 -x             <- pixels of shrinked image
    |     \     \     \
    |      \      \       \
    |       \       \        \      <- pixels correspondence
    |        \        \        \
    |         \         \         \
  P x- 0 -x- 1 -x- 2 -x- 3 -x- 4 -x <- pixels of original image
    |         |         |         |
    |  3    2 |1   3   1| 2    3  | 
    |  -    - |-   -   -| -    -  | <- weights
    |  5    5 |5   5   5| 5    5  |

  p0 = P0 * 3/5 + P1 * 2/5
  p1 = P1 * 1/5 + P2 * 3/5 + P3 * 1/5
  p2 = P3 * 2/5 + P4 * 3/5

Each pixel of the shrinked image is the sum of the (linearly) corresponding pixels of the original image, weighted as above.

The proc

  namespace eval ::shrink \
    namespace export shrink shrink2

    package require Tk
    package require Img

    # shrinking without transparency
    proc shrink {Image coef} \
      # check coef
      if {$coef > 1.0} \
      { error "bad coef \"$coef\": should not be greater than 1.0" }
      if {abs($coef - 1.0) < 1.e-4} { return $Image }
      # get the old image content
      set Width [image width $Image]
      set Height [image height $Image]
      if {$Width * $Height == 0} { error "bad image" }
      # create corresponding planes
      for {set Y 0} {$Y < $Height} {incr Y} \
        set r:Row {}
        set g:Row {}
        set b:Row {}
        for {set X 0} {$X < $Width} {incr X} \
          foreach {r g b} [$Image get $X $Y] break
          foreach c {r g b} { lappend $c:Row [set $c] }
        foreach c {r g b} { lappend $c:Data [set $c:Row] }
      # compute the new image content
      set width [expr {round($Width * $coef)}]
      set height [expr {round($Height * $coef)}]
      set ey 0
      set Y2 0
      set cy2 $height
      for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \
        set r:row {}
        set g:row {}
        set b:row {}
        # Y1 is the top coordinate in the old image
        set Y1 $Y2
        set cy1 [expr {$height - $cy2}]
        incr ey $Height
        set Y2 [expr {$ey / $height}]
        set cy2 [expr {$ey % $height}]
        if {$Y1 == $Y2} { set cy1 $cy2 }
        set ex 0
        set X2 0
        set cx2 $width
        for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \
          set X1 $X2
          set cx1 [expr {$width - $cx2}]
          incr ex $Width
          set X2 [expr {$ex / $width}]
          set cx2 [expr {$ex % $width}]
          if {$X1 == $X2} { set cx1 $cx2 }
          # compute pixel
          foreach c {r g b} { set $c 0; set _$c 0 }
          for {set Y $Y1} {$Y <= $Y2} {incr Y} \
            # compute y coef
            switch $Y \
              $Y1     { set cy $cy1 } \
              $Y2     { set cy $cy2 } \
              default { set cy $height }
            if {$cy == 0} { continue }
            if {$cy > $Height} { set cy $Height }
            for {set X $X1} {$X <= $X2} {incr X} \
              # compute x coef
              switch $X \
                $X1     { set cx $cx1 } \
                $X2     { set cx $cx2 } \
                default { set cx $width }
              if {$cx == 0} { continue }
              if {$cx > $Width} { set cx $Width }
              # weight each initial pixel by cx & cy
              set cxy [expr {$cx * $cy / double($Width) / $Height}]
              foreach c {r g b} \
                set comp [lindex [set $c:Data] $Y $X]
                incr $c [expr {round($comp * $cxy)}]
                set _$c [expr {[set _$c] + $cxy}]
          set _ {}
          foreach c {r g b} \
            set comp [set $c]
            if {$comp > 255} { set comp 255 }
            lappend $c:row $comp 
            lappend _ [set _$c]
        foreach c {r g b} { lappend $c:data [set $c:row] }
      # merge the planes
      for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \
        set row {}
        for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \
          foreach c {r g b} { set $c [lindex [set $c:data] $y $x] }
          lappend row [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b]
        lappend data $row
      # create the new image
      set image [image create photo]
      # fill the new image
      $image put $data
      # return the new image
      return $image

    # shrinking with transparency
    proc shrink2 {Image coef} \
      # check coef
      if {$coef > 1.0} \
      { error "bad coef \"$coef\": should not be greater than 1.0" }
      if {abs($coef - 1.0) < 1.e-4} { return $Image }
      # get the old image content
      set Width [image width $Image]
      set Height [image height $Image]
      if {$Width * $Height == 0} { error "bad image" }
      # create corresponding planes
      for {set Y 0} {$Y < $Height} {incr Y} \
        set r:Row {}
        set g:Row {}
        set b:Row {}
        set t:Row {}
        for {set X 0} {$X < $Width} {incr X} \
          foreach {r g b} [$Image get $X $Y] break
          set t [$Image transparency get $X $Y]
          set t [expr {$t * 256}]
          foreach c {r g b t} { lappend $c:Row [set $c] }
        foreach c {r g b t} { lappend $c:Data [set $c:Row] }
      # compute the new image content
      set width [expr {round($Width * $coef)}]
      set height [expr {round($Height * $coef)}]
      set ey 0
      set Y2 0
      set cy2 $height
      for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \
        set r:row {}
        set g:row {}
        set b:row {}
        set t:row {}
        # Y1 is the top coordinate in the old image
        set Y1 $Y2
        set cy1 [expr {$height - $cy2}]
        incr ey $Height
        set Y2 [expr {$ey / $height}]
        set cy2 [expr {$ey % $height}]
        if {$Y1 == $Y2} { set cy1 $cy2 }
        set ex 0
        set X2 0
        set cx2 $width
        for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \
          set X1 $X2
          set cx1 [expr {$width - $cx2}]
          incr ex $Width
          set X2 [expr {$ex / $width}]
          set cx2 [expr {$ex % $width}]
          if {$X1 == $X2} { set cx1 $cx2 }
          # compute pixel
          foreach c {r g b t} { set $c 0; set _$c 0 }
          for {set Y $Y1} {$Y <= $Y2} {incr Y} \
            # compute y coef
            switch $Y \
              $Y1     { set cy $cy1 } \
              $Y2     { set cy $cy2 } \
              default { set cy $height }
            if {$cy == 0} { continue }
            if {$cy > $Height} { set cy $Height }
            for {set X $X1} {$X <= $X2} {incr X} \
              # compute x coef
              switch $X \
                $X1     { set cx $cx1 } \
                $X2     { set cx $cx2 } \
                default { set cx $width }
              if {$cx == 0} { continue }
              if {$cx > $Width} { set cx $Width }
              # weight each initial pixel by cx & cy
              set cxy [expr {$cx * $cy / double($Width) / $Height}]
              foreach c {r g b t} \
                set comp [lindex [set $c:Data] $Y $X]
                incr $c [expr {round($comp * $cxy)}]
                set _$c [expr {[set _$c] + $cxy}]
          set _ {}
          foreach c {r g b t} \
            set comp [set $c]
            if {$comp > 255} { set comp 255 }
            lappend $c:row $comp
            lappend _ [set _$c]
        foreach c {r g b t} { lappend $c:data [set $c:row] }
      # merge the planes
      for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \
        set row {}
        set trow {}
        for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \
          foreach c {r g b t} { set $c [lindex [set $c:data] $y $x] }
          lappend row [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b]
          lappend trow [expr {round($t)}]
        lappend data $row
        lappend tdata $trow
      # create the new image
      set image [image create photo]
      # fill the new image
      $image put $data
      # set transparency
      for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \
        for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \
          set t [lindex $tdata $y $x]
          set t [expr {$t > 128 ? 1 : 0}]
          $image transparency set $x $y $t
      # return the new image
      return $image


The demo

  # to download the image:
  image create photo Photo -file image2.png

  package require Img
  image create photo Photo -file image2.png
  namespace import ::shrink::shrink
  wm withdraw .
  set n 0
  foreach coef {1.0 0.8 0.6} \
    set image [shrink Photo $coef]
    toplevel .$n
    wm title .$n "shrink $coef"
    canvas .$n.c -bd 0 -highlightt 0
    .$n.c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image $image
    foreach {- - width height} [.$n.c bbox all] break
    .$n.c config -width $width -height $height
    pack .$n.c
    bind .$n.c <Destroy> exit 
    incr n

RT 4Feb04, Very handy and works nicely. One thing I noticed is that (for png) the alpha channel (tranparency) appears to get lost. I wonder how hard it would be to preserve transparency too? That would be very sweet. Thanks!

DKF: Tk's photo image doesn't handle transparency well-enough. This sucks, but I've not had time to write the update to fix this (beyond mere for-my-eyes-only-prototype that is)

ulis: It would be nice to have Tk manages transparency as a fourth channel.

DKF: It does already, but only internally. My point was that it is not exposed to scripts.

RT Could anyone knowledgable comment on the practicality of translating this proc (or hotspots of same) to C with CriTcl or just direct C? And for that matter, same question for some of the family of these procs as listed below. I suppose the basic question is how similar would the code structure be if it were written at the C API level of Tcl/Tk?

See also

Category Graphics

Category Image Processing

Category Example