[ulis], 2003-12-4. A proc to shrink an image. Updated 2003-12-6, improved proc (2 times faster). [David Easton], 2003-12-8, improved colour plane creation speed [ulis], 2004-02-05. [Roy Terry] asked for transparency so I've added a new proc, shrink2, that manages the alpha channel. [http://perso.wanadoo.fr/maurice.ulis/tcl/shrink1.png] [http://perso.wanadoo.fr/maurice.ulis/tcl/shrink2.png] [http://perso.wanadoo.fr/maurice.ulis/tcl/shrink3.png] (Original photo: [to fill]) ---- '''How it works''' It works by linear interpolation: p x- 0 -x- 1 -x- 2 -x <- pixels of shrinked image | \ \ \ | \ \ \ | \ \ \ <- pixels correspondence | \ \ \ | \ \ \ P x- 0 -x- 1 -x- 2 -x- 3 -x- 4 -x <- pixels of original image | | | | | 3 2 |1 3 1| 2 3 | | - - |- - -| - - | <- weights | 5 5 |5 5 5| 5 5 | p0 = P0 * 3/5 + P1 * 2/5 p1 = P1 * 1/5 + P2 * 3/5 + P3 * 1/5 p2 = P3 * 2/5 + P4 * 3/5 Each pixel of the shrinked image is the sum of the (linearly) corresponding pixels of the original image, weighted as above. ---- '''The proc''' namespace eval ::shrink \ { namespace export shrink shrink2 package require Tk package require Img # shrinking without transparency proc shrink {Image coef} \ { # check coef if {$coef > 1.0} \ { error "bad coef \"$coef\": should not be greater than 1.0" } if {abs($coef - 1.0) < 1.e-4} { return $Image } # get the old image content set Width [image width $Image] set Height [image height $Image] if {$Width * $Height == 0} { error "bad image" } # create corresponding planes for {set Y 0} {$Y < $Height} {incr Y} \ { set r:Row {} set g:Row {} set b:Row {} for {set X 0} {$X < $Width} {incr X} \ { foreach {r g b} [$Image get $X $Y] break foreach c {r g b} { lappend $c:Row [set $c] } } foreach c {r g b} { lappend $c:Data [set $c:Row] } } # compute the new image content set width [expr {round($Width * $coef)}] set height [expr {round($Height * $coef)}] set ey 0 set Y2 0 set cy2 $height for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \ { set r:row {} set g:row {} set b:row {} # Y1 is the top coordinate in the old image set Y1 $Y2 set cy1 [expr {$height - $cy2}] incr ey $Height set Y2 [expr {$ey / $height}] set cy2 [expr {$ey % $height}] if {$Y1 == $Y2} { set cy1 $cy2 } set ex 0 set X2 0 set cx2 $width for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \ { set X1 $X2 set cx1 [expr {$width - $cx2}] incr ex $Width set X2 [expr {$ex / $width}] set cx2 [expr {$ex % $width}] if {$X1 == $X2} { set cx1 $cx2 } # compute pixel foreach c {r g b} { set $c 0; set _$c 0 } for {set Y $Y1} {$Y <= $Y2} {incr Y} \ { # compute y coef switch $Y \ $Y1 { set cy $cy1 } \ $Y2 { set cy $cy2 } \ default { set cy $height } if {$cy == 0} { continue } if {$cy > $Height} { set cy $Height } for {set X $X1} {$X <= $X2} {incr X} \ { # compute x coef switch $X \ $X1 { set cx $cx1 } \ $X2 { set cx $cx2 } \ default { set cx $width } if {$cx == 0} { continue } if {$cx > $Width} { set cx $Width } # weight each initial pixel by cx & cy set cxy [expr {$cx * $cy / double($Width) / $Height}] foreach c {r g b} \ { set comp [lindex [set $c:Data] $Y $X] incr $c [expr {round($comp * $cxy)}] set _$c [expr {[set _$c] + $cxy}] } } } set _ {} foreach c {r g b} \ { set comp [set $c] if {$comp > 255} { set comp 255 } lappend $c:row $comp lappend _ [set _$c] } } foreach c {r g b} { lappend $c:data [set $c:row] } } # merge the planes for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \ { set row {} for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \ { foreach c {r g b} { set $c [lindex [set $c:data] $y $x] } lappend row [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b] } lappend data $row } # create the new image set image [image create photo] # fill the new image $image put $data # return the new image return $image } # shrinking with transparency proc shrink2 {Image coef} \ { # check coef if {$coef > 1.0} \ { error "bad coef \"$coef\": should not be greater than 1.0" } if {abs($coef - 1.0) < 1.e-4} { return $Image } # get the old image content set Width [image width $Image] set Height [image height $Image] if {$Width * $Height == 0} { error "bad image" } # create corresponding planes for {set Y 0} {$Y < $Height} {incr Y} \ { set r:Row {} set g:Row {} set b:Row {} set t:Row {} for {set X 0} {$X < $Width} {incr X} \ { foreach {r g b} [$Image get $X $Y] break set t [$Image transparency get $X $Y] set t [expr {$t * 256}] foreach c {r g b t} { lappend $c:Row [set $c] } } foreach c {r g b t} { lappend $c:Data [set $c:Row] } } # compute the new image content set width [expr {round($Width * $coef)}] set height [expr {round($Height * $coef)}] set ey 0 set Y2 0 set cy2 $height for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \ { set r:row {} set g:row {} set b:row {} set t:row {} # Y1 is the top coordinate in the old image set Y1 $Y2 set cy1 [expr {$height - $cy2}] incr ey $Height set Y2 [expr {$ey / $height}] set cy2 [expr {$ey % $height}] if {$Y1 == $Y2} { set cy1 $cy2 } set ex 0 set X2 0 set cx2 $width for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \ { set X1 $X2 set cx1 [expr {$width - $cx2}] incr ex $Width set X2 [expr {$ex / $width}] set cx2 [expr {$ex % $width}] if {$X1 == $X2} { set cx1 $cx2 } # compute pixel foreach c {r g b t} { set $c 0; set _$c 0 } for {set Y $Y1} {$Y <= $Y2} {incr Y} \ { # compute y coef switch $Y \ $Y1 { set cy $cy1 } \ $Y2 { set cy $cy2 } \ default { set cy $height } if {$cy == 0} { continue } if {$cy > $Height} { set cy $Height } for {set X $X1} {$X <= $X2} {incr X} \ { # compute x coef switch $X \ $X1 { set cx $cx1 } \ $X2 { set cx $cx2 } \ default { set cx $width } if {$cx == 0} { continue } if {$cx > $Width} { set cx $Width } # weight each initial pixel by cx & cy set cxy [expr {$cx * $cy / double($Width) / $Height}] foreach c {r g b t} \ { set comp [lindex [set $c:Data] $Y $X] incr $c [expr {round($comp * $cxy)}] set _$c [expr {[set _$c] + $cxy}] } } } set _ {} foreach c {r g b t} \ { set comp [set $c] if {$comp > 255} { set comp 255 } lappend $c:row $comp lappend _ [set _$c] } } foreach c {r g b t} { lappend $c:data [set $c:row] } } # merge the planes for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \ { set row {} set trow {} for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \ { foreach c {r g b t} { set $c [lindex [set $c:data] $y $x] } lappend row [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b] lappend trow [expr {round($t)}] } lappend data $row lappend tdata $trow } # create the new image set image [image create photo] # fill the new image $image put $data # set transparency for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \ { for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \ { set t [lindex $tdata $y $x] set t [expr {$t > 128 ? 1 : 0}] $image transparency set $x $y $t } } # return the new image return $image } } ---- '''The demo''' # to download the image: # http://perso.wanadoo.fr/maurice.ulis/tcl/image2.png image create photo Photo -file image2.png package require Img image create photo Photo -file image2.png namespace import ::shrink::shrink wm withdraw . set n 0 foreach coef {1.0 0.8 0.6} \ { set image [shrink Photo $coef] toplevel .$n wm title .$n "shrink $coef" canvas .$n.c -bd 0 -highlightt 0 .$n.c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image $image foreach {- - width height} [.$n.c bbox all] break .$n.c config -width $width -height $height pack .$n.c bind .$n.c exit update incr n } ---- [RT] 4Feb04, Very handy and works nicely. One thing I noticed is that (for png) the alpha channel (tranparency) appears to get lost. I wonder how hard it would be to preserve transparency too? That would be very sweet. Thanks! [DKF]: Tk's [photo] [image] doesn't handle transparency well-enough. This sucks, but I've not had time to write the update to fix this (beyond mere ''for-my-eyes-only''-prototype that is) [ulis]: It would be nice to have Tk manages transparency as a fourth channel. [DKF]: It does already, but only internally. My point was that it is not exposed to scripts. ---- [RT] Could anyone knowledgable comment on the practicality of translating this proc (or hotspots of same) to C with CriTcl or just direct C? And for that matter, same question for some of the family of these procs as listed below. I suppose the basic question is how similar would the code structure be if it were written at the C API level of Tcl/Tk? ---- [MPJ]: I just tried this code to resize some card images from [scat] to 60% the orginal size. This seemed to work find for images as they all displayed on the canvas but when I tried to write the kings, queens and jacks to a file I get the error "too many colors" with Tcl 8.4.6. See example below: set image [shrink ::img::jc 0.6] $image write jc.gif Any ideas on what the problem is? [MG] - GIFs can only handle 256 colors, so those images must use more. Try saving as a jpeg instead with $image write jc.jpeg -format jpeg (Some drawing programs I've seen give an offer to decrease the number of colors to 256 to allow saving as gifs anyway; would it be possible/does anyone know how to do this in Tcl?) ---- '''See also''' * [Blurring an image] * [Crisping an image] * [Embossing an image] * [Expanding an image] * [Fast image resizing] - [David Easton] ''2004-04-29'' * [Image Processing with HSV] * [Image scaling] * [Photo image rotation] ---- [Category Graphics] | [Category Image Processing] | [Category Example]