[Extension] written by [Donal K. Fellows] which allows arbitrarily shaped windows on [X11] and [Windows] to be created. [MacOS] and [MacOS X] are not yet supported. http://www.man.ac.uk/~zzcgudf/tcl/#scripts/shape This is getting very interesting as it "homes in" on full cross-platform functioning. I found no instructions for building the Windows version. I suppose it blindingly obvious, but could you drop a few hints for us extension building neophytes? Or even post a dll? - [Roy Terry], 6Dec2003 [TkTrans] is a Windows-specific alternative. ---- Something like Shape needs to be combined with a '[drag and drop]' extension to allow proper dragging of arbitrarily shaped objects from, e.g. a [canvas] or a [text] widget (where you might want to drag a non-rectangular block of text). Does anyone have plans to really add proper 'drag and drop' support to [Tk]? Any [TIP]s in the pipeline? ''[MGS]'' 2003/03/26 - I think the best bet may be [TkDND] ''[DKF]: 27-Mar-2003 -'' It's on the [Tk 9.0 Wishlist]. ---- [Category GUI] | [Category Package] |