Seeker is a small [CASE tool] that uses sequence diagrams based on [UML] to support learning about [OO] design. The tool is language independent, and is designed to be highly usable and responsive. Although initially designed for use in team design situations, it is also directly useful in teaching about OO design, as a device for interactive presentation. Moreover, when used interactively, the tool seems to offer some of the same advantages of walkthroughs themselves, suggesting that such lightweight tools could have a role in the design process itself. Available at: [] !!!!!! [] !!!!!! ---- [UKo] 2006-09-20: To use it with a recent installation of [Iwidgets], you have to change the startup script Seeker.tcl: + # automatically loads Itcl and Itk ! # package require Iwidgets 3.0 + package require Iwidgets + + namespace import itcl::class ARR: I can't find seeker sources or docs anywhere. Anyone out there who has a working link? <> Application | Development | Object Orientation