Scalable [vector graphics]: "very cool stuff". * * * * * * * * The "native" language for scripting SVG--that is, for animating an SVG document by run-time modification of its node tree with SVGDOM--is [JavaScript]. [Steve Ball] has been thinking about the desirability of binding Tcl to SVGDOM (perhaps by way of Batik [] and [Jacl]?). ---- [RS]: Many of SVG's items have a very close correspondence to [canvas] items, so one might consider using SVG for "serializing" a canvas content to [XML], and loading canvas contents from XML... Consider this snippet: With some string manipulation (and determining the center from the bounding box, for scaling) this could easily be transformed into two canvas commands. ---- An elaborate [canvas to SVG] dumper is at ---- [DKF]: SVG is really very close indeed to the [Java2D] API, and even more especially to the base model used in [PostScript] and Acrobat ([PDF]). Not surprising really, given that they all came out of Adobe... ---- [Rolf Ade] This is the start of a list of SVG features, that have no native support by the canvas (some of them could eventually be simulated). * Text along arcs (or [pathes], as the SVG calls it) * SVG allows to alter plenty of font properties, for which I found no correspondent in Tcl. * SVG allows text to run vertically or right to left. * [Filter] effects. * [Clipping] paths. * '[Masking]' (transparency effects) [AK]: IIRC the GTk canvas widget was derived from the Tk Canvas, and enhanced. I believe it does [transparency]. We might want to have a look at it and see what features we can 'steal' back. ---- [[ [Category Graphics] ]]