Version 6 of SPF

Updated 2004-05-25 12:18:47 by PT

Sender Policy Framework

A DNS txt record based mail server verification system. Its homepage is at .

2004-05-19 SRIV If anyone has started working on a tcl implementation of SPF and would like to share, please place your code here. Otherwise, I'll be writing one and placing it here soon.

PT 2004-05-24: Depends what you mean. The tcllib dns module will accept SPF as a type (aliases to TXT). I guess you mean something more though? Anyway: SRIV Yep, but this is a good 1st step, which is retrieving the record from the dns server. The decoding of the record along with the simple macro language defined by SPF, along with decoding the XML format of Microsofts Email Caller-ID is the part I am specifically refering to. Im suprised you couldn't read my mind Pat :) . I'm sorry for being so vague.

 proc spf {domain} {
    set tok [dns::resolve $domain -type SPF] 
    dns::wait $tok
    if {[dns::status $tok] eq "ok"} {
        eval [linsert [dns::result $tok] 0 array set d]
        set result [string range $d(rdata) 1 end] ;# first byte is the string length.
        set code   ok
    } else {
        set result [dns::error $tok]
        set code   error
    dns::cleanup $tok
    return -code $code $result

2004-05-21 SRIV News today [L1 ] on Slashdot that SPF and Microsofts email Caller-ID scheme may become merged. We need to pay attention to this..

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