Simple Object Access Protocol ---- See which covers the SOAP standard. A new version of SOAP, 1.2, was announced during 2003. The new version is quite a bit more complex, allowing various protocols, supporting attachments, email bindings, etc. ---- Related material is available at the Wiki pages for [TclSOAP] and [WS], and also []. ---- XMLSpy [] "has a very cool function in it to test/debug SOAP", according to [David Bigelow]. Additional Note - the Cool Function in XMLSpy is AWESOME - but not worth the US$1,000.00 price tag. Surely there is something that can be done to do the same thing in Native Tcl... - Dave... [LV] I would guess that while something could be written in native Tcl to help test and debug soap, it is doubtful that it already exists and is available for free. If it exists, it probably is either internal to someone's company, or is on the slate for someone to develop and sell. However don't let that discourage you from writing such a thing! Feb 2005 article: SOAP is Comatose But Not Officially Dead! [] ---- [Category Internet] | [Category XML] | [Category Acronym]