Version 8 of SOAP - hello world

Updated 2006-04-12 16:37:42

John Seal posted this hello world example for SOAP on comp.lang.tcl. tjk

Here's a "Hello, world!" example. First the server:

 package require SOAP::Domain

 namespace eval YourNamespace {

    proc iam {name} {
       return "Hello, $name!"

    SOAP::export iam


 SOAP::Domain::register -prefix /yourPrefix \
     -namespace YourNamespace \
     -uri YourNamespace

Put the server in the CGI directory of your webserver (tclhttpd works great if you don't already have one). Now the client:

 package require SOAP

 SOAP::create iam \
    -uri YourNamespace \
    -proxy http://localhost:8015/yourPrefix \
    -params {name string}

Now invoke the procedure in the client:

 (sandbox) 1 % iam busirane
 Hello, busirane!

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