Simple DirectMedia Library The Simple DirectMedia Library is a cross-platform C library for dealing with graphics, sound, joystick and keyboard/mouse input. It provides a nice, if rather simple, API for setting video modes and drawing graphics, and has some [OpenGL] support. This is great stuff for writing [games]. Currently, [Neil Madden] is working on a simple binding of SDL for Tcl. This will be pretty much a direct mapping of the SDL API to Tcl (but following Tcl's conventions). This will be mostly useful for scripting SDL components written in C, but you could write stuff in Tcl if you can live with the performance hit, or for prototyping. [Kristoffer Lawson] is working on a higher level binding for Tcl, called [Oil], which is directed at games and other multimedia presentations, that are scripted in Tcl. There is a certain amount of overlap in these projects and hopefully effort can be made to merge parts. ---- Other media libraries it would be nice to have in Tcl: [OpenAL] - a 3D sound library, useful for effects. I don't think [Snack] has spatial sound. ---- What about [Kent Mein]'s TclDemo at ? ---- [Jim] has some [SDL] and '''SDL_Glx''' binding in the current distribution. Check [Jim Extensions] for example and screenshot. ---- [[ [Category Acronym] | [Category Graphics] | [Category Multimedia] ]]