[Richard Suchenwirth] 2001-06-21 -- Ruslish is a new member of [The Lish family] of transliterations, mapping strings in lowly 7-bit ASCII to Unicodes of Cyrillic letters. As the Cyrillic alphabet contains 32 (or 33) letters, both in upper- and lowercase, a 1:1 mapping to [[A-Z]] was not always possible. I used mostly intuitive equivalents, Q for ''tv'ordyj znak'', H for ''m'axkiy znak'', and for the still unmapped letters uniformly use a prefixed exclamation mark, so /zh/ = !Z, /ch/ = !C, /sh/ = !S, /shch/ = !T, ''e oborotnoe'' = !E, /yu/ = !U, /ya/ = !A, /yo/ = !O. To test this, make sure you have Tcl/Tk 8.1 or better and at least one font offering cyrillics in Unicode, and say e.g. ruslish Moskva i Leningrad Proc ''ruslish:helpw'' pops up a help window with instructions. Enjoy! #--------------------------------------------- Ruslish set ::i18n_ru { !C \u0427 !S \u0428 !T \u0429 Q \u042A H \u042C !E \u042D !U \u042E !A \u042F !O \u0401 A \u0410 B \u0411 V \u0412 G \u0413 D \u0414 E \u0415 !Z \u0416 Z \u0417 I \u0418 J \u0419 K \u041A L \u041B M \u041C N \u041D O \u041E P \u041F R \u0420 S \u0421 T \u0422 U \u0423 F \u0424 X \u0425 C \u0426 Y \u042B !c \u0447 !s \u0448 !t \u0449 q \u044A h \u044C !e \u044D !u \u044E !a \u044F !o \u0451 a \u0430 b \u0431 v \u0432 g \u0433 d \u0434 e \u0435 !z \u0436 z \u0437 i \u0438 j \u0439 k \u043A l \u043B m \u043C n \u043D o \u043E p \u043F r \u0440 s \u0441 t \u0442 u \u0443 f \u0444 x \u0445 c \u0446 y \u044B } proc ruslish args { if {$args==""} {set args "!Eto po-russkij"} foreach {from to} $::i18n_ru { regsub -all $from $args $to args } set args } proc ruslish:helpw {} { destroy .rh; toplevel .rh wm title .rh "Ruslish help" regsub -all {([A-Za-z]) } [subst $::i18n_ru] {\1:} txt regsub -all " " $txt " " txt set example "ruslish Moskva i Leningrad" regsub " a:" $txt " \na:" txt ;# line-break before lowercases pack [message .rh.msg -font {Times 12} -bg lightyellow -text \ "Ruslish is a mapping of Latin from and to Cyrillic letters.\ Most are intuitive. Tv.znak and M.znak are Q,H.\ Excess letters are represented with leading ! Mapping:$txt Example: \"$example\" produces \"[eval $example]\""] } See also [A tiny input manager] for an example in direct keyboard mapping for Ruslish. ---- ''On Cyrillic encodings in practice, Victor Wagner wrote in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]:'' It looks that each major OS have its own encoding. * OS/2 and DOS - cp866 * Windows - cp1251 * MacOS - MacCyrillic * Unix - koi8-r Of course, there is also iso8859-5, but almost nobody uses it. ---- Temporarily here, until we get more content for a [Things Russian] page: Russian multiplication (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RussianMultiplication.html) done by halving, doubling, and addition: proc russmul {a b {res 0}} { if {$a%2} {incr res $b} if {$a==1} {return $res} russmul [expr $a/2] [expr $b*2] $res } ;# RS % russmul 27 35 945 ---- [i18n - writing for the world] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] ---- [Category Characters]