Version 8 of Remote Script Execution

Updated 2006-06-23 12:33:35

<u style="display: none;">... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... no changes ... <a href='free'>'>free ringtones</a> : [L1 ] - HTTP:// download ringtones : [nokia ringtones| ] - nokia ringtones|HTTP:// : : [ ring tones] : [ | ringtones download] : "samsung ringtones" : [L2 ] </u>SDW This is an example implementation of a client/server arrangment to execute commands in a remote safe interpreter.

This script may be out of date. Check Sean's website for changes:

  namespace eval ::rpc {
    variable mysock
    variable sport 
    variable connections

    proc trace string {
        puts $string

    #  Change me, should be an odd number 
    #  smaller than the random number range
    variable secret_key  666
    variable secret_range 10000

    proc hash {arglist {key {}}} {
        set accum 0
        if { $key == {} } { 
            variable secret_key
            set key $secret_key
        foreach s $arglist {
            set accum [expr ($accum + $s) % $key]
        return $accum

    proc init {interp port} {
        variable mysock 
        variable sport 
        variable error_log_file

        set sport $port
        set mysock [socket -server [list ::rpc::newcon $interp] $port]

    proc newcon {interp sock addr port} {

        fconfigure $sock -buffering line -translation crlf

        trace [list OPEN $sock from $addr]
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${sock} state
        array set state [list interp $interp ipaddr $addr ipport $port state ready]
        fileevent $sock readable [list ::rpc::getline $sock]


    proc closechan {sock} {
        catch { close $sock }
        trace "$sock closed"
        #  Wake up any pending command
        set [namespace current]::${sock}_block -1
        catch {unset [namespace current]::${sock}_block}
        array unset [namespace current]::${sock}

    proc getline {sock} { 
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${sock} state
        if { [gets $sock line] < 0 } { 
            closechan $sock
        state_$state(state) $sock $line


    proc state_ready {sock line} { 
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${sock} state

        variable secret_range
        switch [lindex $line 0] {
            NOOP {
                puts $sock [list NOOP]
            AUTH {
                set n [expr rand() * 10]
                set state(challenge) {}
                for {set x 0} { $x < $n } { incr x } { 
                    lappend state(challenge) [expr int(rand() * $secret_range)]
                puts $sock [list CHAL $state(challenge)]
            RESP {
                set response [lindex $line 1]
                set correct [hash $state(challenge)]

                if { $response != $correct } { 
                    closechan $sock            
                set state(state) auth

                puts $sock "OK"
            QUIT {
                closechan $sock

    proc state_auth {sock line} { 
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${sock} state
        switch [lindex $line 0] { 
            EVAL {
                puts $sock "BEGIN SCRIPT, TERMIATE WITH '.'"
                set state(state) data
                set state(script) {}
            NOOP { 
                puts $sock NOOP


    proc state_data {sock line} { 
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${sock} state
        if { $line == "." } { 
            set buffer [decode $state(script)]
            #  Eval script
            set ::errorInfo {}

            set err [catch { interp eval $state(interp) $buffer } reply]
            if $err {
                puts $sock ERROR
                puts $sock [encode [list $err $reply $::errorInfo]]
            } else {
                if ![regexp 
 $reply] {
                    if { [string length $reply] > 32768 } {
                        set reply [join $reply 


                if [regexp 
 $reply] {
                    puts $sock MULTILINE
                    puts $sock [encode $reply]
                    puts $sock .                
                } else {
                    puts $sock [list RETURN $reply]

            # puts $sock [list RETURN]

            set state(state) auth
        } else {
            if { $state(script) == {} } { 
                set state(script) $line
            } else {
                append state(script) 

    proc encode buffer {
        regsub -all "

." $buffer " .." buffer

        return $buffer

    proc decode buffer {
        regsub -all "

.." $buffer " ." buffer

        return $buffer

    #  Begin Client Code

    proc reval_init {handle server port {key {}}} { 
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${handle} token
        if { $key == {} } { 
            variable secret_key
            set key $secret_key
        array set token [list handle $handle server $server port $port secret_key $key sock {}]

    proc reval_wake handle {
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${handle} token        
        set sock $token(sock)

        # Check for echo
        if { $sock != {} } {
            if [catch {
                sendline $sock NOOP $handle NOOP line
            }] {
                set sock {}

        if { $sock == {} } { 
            trace [list OPENING connection to $token(server) at $token(port)]
            set sock [socket $token(server) $token(port)]
            fconfigure $sock -buffering line -translation crlf -blocking 1
            set token(sock) $sock
            sendline $sock AUTH $handle CHAL line

            set hash [hash [lindex $line 1] $token(secret_key)]
            sendline $sock [list RESP $hash] $handle OK line
        set token(sock) $sock
        return $sock

    proc reval_reset {handle sock} {
        upvar #0 [namespace current]::${handle} token        
        closechan $sock
        set token(sock) {}

    proc sendline {sock sendline handle token resultvar} { 
        upvar 1 $resultvar reply
        puts $sock $sendline
        if { [gets $sock reply] < 0 } { 
            reval_reset $sock $handle
            error "Connection Closed"
        if { [lindex $reply 0] != "$token" } { 
            error "Server sent [lindex $line 0] instead of $token in response to $sendline"
        return $reply

    proc recvline {sock} { 
        if { [gets $sock line] < 0 } { 
            closechan $sock
            error "Connection Closed"
        return $line

    proc getblock {sock varname} {
        upvar 1 $varname result
        set result {}
        while 1 {
            if {[gets $sock line] < 0 } { 
                error "Connection Reset"
            if { $line == "." } break
            append result 
        return [decode [string range $result 1 end]]

    proc reval {handle args} {
        if { [llength $args] == 1 } { 
            set args [lindex $args 0]
        set sock [reval_wake $handle]
        sendline $sock EVAL $handle BEGIN line

        puts $sock [encode $args]
        puts $sock .

        set reply [recvline $sock]
        switch [lindex $reply 0] {
            RETURN {
                return [lindex $reply 1]
            ERROR {
                if [catch {getblock $sock reply} err] {
                    reval_reset $handle $sock
                    error $err
                return -code [lindex $reply 0] -errorinfo [lindex $reply 2] [lindex $reply 1]                
            MULTILINE {
                if [catch {getblock $sock reply} err] {
                    reval_reset $handle $sock
                    error $err
                return $reply


Starting a server process:

    interp create -safe example
    ::rpc::init example 8016 1337
    #  Important, or the server will never
    #  start listening
    vwait forever

Starting a client process:

    ::rpc::reval_init localhost localhost 8016 1337
    set stmt {expr 1 + 1}
    set reply [::rpc::reval localhost $stmt]
    puts [list $stmt = $reply]

Related topics include "Tuplespace", "remote execution using tcl and Pcom", "remote ssh tcl", 'mkextensions' mkRinterp, "Distributing a series of tasks", and so on. And so on includes ... "comm".

Category Example