**Reading a word at a time** Reading a line at a time from a channel is easy with [gets]: ====== while {[gets $chan line] >= 0} { # Do something } ====== but what about doing the same thing with individual words? The following snippet defines functions to allow for writing the same kind of loop, just for a word at a time instead of a line: ====== package require Tcl 8.6 namespace eval word { # This function, run in a coroutine, does all the work proc read_words {chan} { upvar [yield [info coroutine]] word while {[::chan gets $chan line] >= 0} { # Split on arbitrary whitespace foreach w [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $line] { set word $w upvar [yield [string length $w]] word } } return -1 } # Return the name of a coroutine that reads a word at a time from # the given channel. The coro takes one argument - the name of the # variable to store the word in, and yields the length of the word # or -1 at end of file. Basically like the two-argument form of # `gets` proc reader_from_chan {chan} { variable counter coroutine reader[incr counter] read_words $chan } proc close_chan {chan oldName newName op} { if {$op eq "delete"} { ::chan close $chan } } # Return the name of a coroutine that reads a word at a time from # the given file (An an optional encoding argument). The coro takes # one argument - the name of the variable to store the word in, and # yields the length of the word or -1 at end of file. Basically like # the two-argument form of `gets`. proc reader_from_file {file {encoding {}}} { set chan [open $file r] try { if {$encoding ne ""} { ::chan configure $chan -encoding $encoding } set coro [reader_from_chan $chan] # Close the file when the coroutine finishes trace add command $coro delete [list ::word::close_chan $chan] return $coro } on error {result options} { ::chan close $chan return -options $options $result } } namespace export reader_from_* namespace ensemble create } ====== It works by creating [coroutine]s that internally read a line at a time, split that line into individual words, and [yield] each word in turn to the caller until there is no more data left to read from the underlying channel. Example usage: ====== set getw [word reader_from_file input.txt] while {[$getw word] >= 0} { puts $word } ====== [HE] 2021-12-30: The example has 4 lines. With 4 extra lines it is possible to achieve the same. This is useful for all who only needs the functionality in one place of a script or want to avoid the overhead of coroutines or ... ====== set srcfid [open input.txt r] # fconfigure $srcfid ... while {![eof $srcfid]} { gets $srcfid line foreach {-- el} [regexp -inline -all -- {([[:graph:]]+)} $line] { puts $el } } close $srcfid ====== The commented out line can be used in case you want to influence line ending, encoding and other things. ---- <> Example | File