ReactOS is a [GPL] 2 license operating system which aims to replace Microsoft [Windows 98], [Windows 2000] and its successors. Internally, it makes use of Wine libraries. Externally, it has a general look and UI similar to Windows XP in classic mode. ---- [peterc] 2008-06-10: While general system stability is a serious issue in version 0.3.4, my [starpack] applications ran on it without any serious problems, apart from some alpha transparency issues with some [PNG] icons in [Tile] buttons. It's promising in that by the time it is a stable platform in a couple of years (say, in 2010), it will be in competition with [Windows 7] without MinWin to stem the Vista bloat. ReactOS may be an easier sell to IT departments at this time than official Microsoft Windows. ---- | [Category Operating System] |