This is a small program I wrote to monitor changes in the RSS feeds of various websites and email those changes to me at work. I currently am running it as a cron job on debian linux with Tcl 8.4.6. [BDK] ---- The first file, rss.tcl, is a ''very'' minimal package to read rss feeds. Yes, I know such a package already exists, but it helped me get into the xml package. #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh package require Tcl 8.4 package require struct 2.0 package require xml 2.6 package require snit 0.9 package provide rss 1.0 namespace eval ::rss { variable parser variable parserStack variable channelObject variable itemObject variable currentCmds array set currentCmds \ [list \ elementStart [list [namespace current]::XML.StartRSS] \ elementEnd [list [namespace current]::XML.EndRSS] \ characterData {} \ ] } proc ::rss::Parser.NewState {elementStart elementEnd characterData} { variable parser variable parserStack variable currentCmds variable channel $parserStack push \ [list \ $currentCmds(elementStart) \ $currentCmds(elementEnd) \ $currentCmds(characterData) \ ] set currentCmds(elementStart) $elementStart set currentCmds(elementEnd) $elementEnd set currentCmds(characterData) $characterData return } proc ::rss::Parser.PreviousState {} { variable parser variable parserStack variable currentCmds foreach {currentCmds(elementStart) currentCmds(elementEnd) currentCmds(characterData)} [$parserStack pop] {break} return } proc ::rss::Wrapper.ElementStart {name attlist args} { variable currentCmds if {$currentCmds(elementStart)!={}} { set code [catch {uplevel \#0 $currentCmds(elementStart) [list $name $attlist] $args} result] return -code $code -errorinfo $::errorInfo -errorcode $::errorCode $result } } proc ::rss::Wrapper.ElementEnd {name args} { variable currentCmds if {$currentCmds(elementEnd)!={}} { set code [catch {uplevel \#0 $currentCmds(elementEnd) [list $name] $args} result] return -code $code -errorinfo $::errorInfo -errorcode $::errorCode $result } } proc ::rss::Wrapper.CharacterData {data} { variable currentCmds if {$currentCmds(characterData)!={}} { set code [catch {uplevel \#0 $currentCmds(characterData) [list $data]} result] return -code $code -errorinfo $::errorInfo -errorcode $::errorCode $result } } proc ::rss::parse {data} { variable parser variable parserStack variable channel set parser [::xml::parser ] set parserStack [::struct::stack] set channel [Channel %AUTO%] $parser configure \ -elementstartcommand [namespace current]::Wrapper.ElementStart \ -elementendcommand [namespace current]::Wrapper.ElementEnd \ -characterdatacommand [namespace current]::Wrapper.CharacterData $parser parse $data $parser free $parserStack destroy return $channel } proc ::rss::XML.StartRSS {name attlist args} { variable channel switch -- $name { channel { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.Channel $channel] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ {} } item { set obj [Item %AUTO%] $channel AddItem $obj Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.Item $obj] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ {} } } return } proc ::rss::XML.EndRSS {name args} { return } proc ::rss::XML.Channel {obj name attlist args} { switch -- $name { title { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.CharacterData [$obj GetVariable title]] } link { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.CharacterData [$obj GetVariable link]] } description { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.CharacterData [$obj GetVariable description]] } item { set item [Item %AUTO%] $obj AddItem $item Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.Item $item] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ {} } default { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ {} } } return } proc ::rss::XML.Item {obj name attlist args} { switch -- $name { title { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.CharacterData [$obj GetVariable title]] } link { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.CharacterData [$obj GetVariable link]] } description { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.CharacterData [$obj GetVariable description]] } default { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ {} } } return } proc ::rss::XML.ElementStart {name attlist args} { Parser.NewState \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementStart] \ [list [namespace current]::XML.ElementEnd] \ {} return } proc ::rss::XML.ElementEnd {name args} { Parser.PreviousState return } proc ::rss::XML.CharacterData {var data} { upvar \#0 $var myVar append myVar $data return } ::snit::type ::rss::Channel { variable title {} variable link {} variable description {} variable items {} destructor { foreach item $items { $item destroy } return } method title {} { return $title } method link {} { return $link } method description {} { return $description } method items {} { return $items } method GetVariable {var} { return [varname $var] } method AddItem {item} { lappend items $item } } ::snit::type ::rss::Item { variable title {} variable link {} variable pubDate {} variable description {} method title {} { return $title } method link {} { return $link } method pubDate {} { return $pubDate } method description {} { return $description } method GetVariable {var} { return [varname $var] } } ---- This is the main body of the program, rss_monitor.tcl #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh lappend auto_path . package require Tcl 8.4 package require http 2.4 package require mime 1.3 package require smtp 1.3 package require md5 1.4 package require rss 1.0 #Reads the options file. proc loadOptions {file} { #Initialize the interpreter which executes the contents #of the options file. set interp [interp create -safe] $interp eval [list namespace delete ::] $interp alias email #Read the options file. set inFile [open $file r] $interp eval [read $inFile] close $inFile interp delete $interp return } proc {email data} { #Initialize the interpeter which executes the contents of the #data variable. set interp [interp create -safe] $interp eval [list namespace delete ::] $interp alias rss loadOptions.rss $email $interp eval $data interp delete $interp return } proc loadOptions.rss {email url} { #Store the url in the global options array. if {![info exists ::options(email,$url)]} { lappend ::options(url) $url } lappend ::options(email,$url) $email return } #Loads the MD5 hash records. proc loadHashes {file} { #Create the interpeter. set interp [interp create -safe] $interp eval [list namespace delete ::] $interp alias hash loadHashes.hash #Open the file and read in the data. set inFile [open $file r] $interp eval [read $inFile] close $inFile interp delete $interp return } proc loadHashes.hash {url hash} { #Store the hash in the global options array. set ::options(hash,$url) $hash return } #Saves the hashes for all of the url's. proc saveHashes {file} { set outFile [open $file w] foreach url $::options(url) { if {[info exists ::options(hash,$url)]} { puts $outFile [list hash $url $::options(hash,$url)] } } close $outFile } #Do the work of parsing RSS feeds, generating and comparing hashes, sending messages. proc generateMessages {} { foreach url $::options(url) { #Retrieve the current hash for the URL. if {[info exists ::options(hash,$url)]} { set hash $::options(hash,$url) } else { set hash {} } #Retrieve the URL. set token [::http::geturl $url -timeout 2000] if {[::http::status $token] != "ok"} { puts "Could not retrieve data for $url" ::http::cleanup $token continue } set data [::http::data $token] ::http::cleanup $token #Parse the RSS feed. set channel [::rss::parse $data] set msgBody {} #Generate the msg body. append msgBody "[$channel title] ([$channel link])\n" append msgBody "[$channel description]\n\n" foreach item [$channel items] { append msgBody "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" append msgBody "[$item title] ([$item link])\n" append msgBody "\n" append msgBody "[$item description]\n" append msgBody "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" append msgBody "\n" } #Generate the new hash. #I thought it would be more efficient to generate the hash prior to parsing and #creating the message, but some sites change the comments within their XML data #to reflect when the feed was generated, like for example, #so this is a quick and simple fix. set newHash [::md5::md5 $msgBody] #If the hashes do not match, then the site has changed, #so send out the messages. if {$newHash != $hash} { #Create the MIME message. set mime [::mime::initialize -canonical text/plan -string $msgBody] ::mime::setheader $mime Subject "[$channel title] has been updated" foreach email $::options(email,$url) { ::smtp::sendmessage $mime \ -recipients $email \ -originator "" } #Destroy (deallocate) the MIME message. ::mime::finalize $mime #Destroy (deallocate) parsed data. $channel destroy } #Store the new hash in the options array. set ::options(hash,$url) $newHash } } #The main program. #Locations of the configuration files. set configFile "rss_config" set hashFile "rss_hashes" loadOptions $configFile if {[file exists $hashFile]} { loadHashes $hashFile } generateMessages saveHashes $hashFile ---- And finally, and example configuration file, rss_config email { #Tcl'ers Wiki rss #Slashdot rss #Sourceforge rss } email { #Sourceforge rss }