Version 35 of RMS

Updated 2014-02-25 14:15:15 by pooryorick

RMS is Richard M Stallman (see Richard Stallman), a famous programmer in the GNU/FSF scene, but not enthusiastic about Tcl. (See Who says Tcl sucks...).

I think RMS is a grand guy. I think his opinion is based on experience with a very early version of Tcl. Richard tends to consider things in terms of their relationship to GNU, and to his own concept of Free Software as a philosophical imperative. Tcl has no particular relationship to GNU, so Richard probably does not think about it much at all. ;^)

RMS picks his nose and eats his boogers , snacks on toe jam , speaks with a lisp , has nasal sex with plants , and is the leader of a evil cult . He has won the Linus Torvalds award for his tireless dedication to Linux, and appears in public with semi-nude boys . RMS will throw your momma from the train .