is the canonical page to address the question, "What is Python?" Frequent Wiki contributor [CL] also covers Python often []. ---- What: Python Where: Description: Object oriented scripting langauge which has a [Tk] module called Tkinter. Beginning at version v1.5.2, includes [IDLE], an integrated development environment for Python that requires [Tkinter]. Python 2.4 not only supports [Tk] on [Unix], but Tk on Windows and Macintosh platforms as well. The PythonWare site has an intro to Tkinter, as well as the binaries for win32 on its downloads page. The [ActiveState] site has binary distributions for Linux, Solaris and Windows. Currently at version 2.4 Updated: 1/2005 Contact: mailto:guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US (Guido van Rossum) (Fredrik Lundh) ---- ''[escargo] 17 Feb 2003'' - For competition to using Tkinter, see the IBM DeveloperWorks page on PyQt[]. ----- "Typcl [] ... [[i]]s an extension to use Tcl ''from'' Python." [Elmer] goes the other way. [Elmer] allows developers to write code in Python and execute it in Tcl. The resulting Tcl interface to the Python code generated by [Elmer] is transparent to the Tcl user... Python calls appear as Tcl calls ( "foo( 1, "a" )" in Python appears as "foo 1 a" in Tcl, for example) and Python and Tcl data types are automatically mapped (Tcl lists are converted to Python lists, Python dictionaries are returned as Tcl associative arrays, etc.). [Elmer] also supports Python's "freeze" module, allowing a Python developer to deliver a single library consisting of several Python files "frozen" in to the Tcl need to set PYTHONPATH or have Python source files accompanying the Tcl application. ---- [Bruce Gingery] has an article that compares Tcl/Tk, Perl/Tk, and Python/Tk to early 1980's BASIC using a simple example at [Frank Stajano]'s paper at the 1998 Python conference [] had some useful insights into why he thinks Python's extensions are evolving faster and are easier to work with than Tcl's: A paper on embedding Tcl, Perl or Python can be found Technical report evaluating the properties of 80 different implementations of the same program in 7 different programming langauges (C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl). See Erann Gat did a study of Lisp on the same problem. You can find his work at and you can see another Lisp solution at ---- See also: * news:comp.lang.python - a [USENET] interface to the Python mailing list * - books on Python * [Comparing Tcl with Python] * [Accessing Tcl and Python from one another] * [Playing Python] * * ---- [Category Language]