Version 5 of Pythagoras Tree

Updated 2017-10-08 09:11:12 by anon

Keith Vetter 2010-06-02 : The Pythagoras Tree is a plane fractal constructed from squares. It is named after Pythagoras because each triple of touching squares encloses a right triangle, in a configuration traditionally used to depict the Pythagorean theorem.

2017-10-09: Online demo at [L1 ]

uniquename 2013aug17 - Compared to other displays of the Pythagoras tree that I have seen, it looks like there may be something amiss here. The (white) triangle surrounded by 3 squares looks like it starts off right --- a right angle opposite the largest square. But many of the other 'white' triangles do not look right --- the angle that should be a right angle is sometimes greater than 90 and sometimes less than 90. Is this some kind of variation on the Pythagoras tree that one typically sees?? (I see the 'Right triangles' checkbox is checked --- so it looks like you allow for variation. But should this be happening when that checkbox is checked?)

kpv 2017-10-06 : fixed

# Pythagoras Tree
# by Keith Vetter, June 2010
package require Tk

set S(color,0) green4
set S(right) 1
set S(treeSize) 1
set S(newSize) 1
set S(sq) 100
set S(sq2) [expr {$S(sq)/2.0}]
set S(dotSize) 5
set S(margin) 10
set S(dot,angle) 90

proc DoDisplay {} {
    global S
    pack [::ttk::frame .f] -side left -fill both -expand 1 ;# For ttk styling

    wm title . "Pythagoras Tree"
    canvas .c -width 600 -height 500 -bd 2 -relief ridge \
        -highlightthickness 0 -bg beige
    bind .c <Configure> {ResizeWindow %h %w}
    pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1 -in .f

    ::ttk::scale .s -from 1 -to 10 -variable S(newSize) -orient horizontal \
        -command Grow
    ::ttk::checkbutton .circle -variable ::S(right) -text "Right triangles"
    ::ttk::button .about -text About -command About
    pack .s .circle -side left -padx 10 -in .f
    pack .about -side right -padx 10 -in .f

    for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
        set i2 [expr {$i+1}]
        set S(color,$i2) [::tk::Darken $S(color,$i) 120]
    bind all <F2> {console show}
# ResizeWindow -- Keeps 0,0 in center of canvas
proc ResizeWindow {h w} {
    set h [expr {$h / 2.0}]
    set w [expr {$w / 2.0}]
    .c config -scrollregion [list -$w -$h $w $h]
    ReDraw all
# Grow -- Changes depth of tree
proc Grow {val} {
    global S

    set new [expr {round($S(newSize))}]
    if {$new == $S(treeSize)} return
    if {$new > $S(treeSize)} {
        for {set lvl $S(treeSize)} {$lvl < $new} {incr lvl 1} {
            set nextLevel [expr {$lvl + 1}]
            foreach parent [.c find withtag lvl,$lvl] {
                _Draw2NewSquares $nextLevel $parent
        set S(treeSize) $new
    } elseif {$new < $S(treeSize)} {
        for {set lvl $S(treeSize)} {$lvl > $new} {incr lvl -1} {
            .c delete lvl,$lvl
        set S(treeSize) $new
    .c raise arc
    .c raise dot
# ReDraw -- Draws the initial fractal
proc ReDraw {{clean tree}} {
    global S
    .c delete $clean

    for {set lvl 1} {$lvl <= $S(treeSize)} {incr lvl} {
        set previousLevel [expr {$lvl - 1}]
        foreach parent [.c find withtag lvl,$previousLevel] {
            _Draw2NewSquares $lvl $parent
    .c raise arc
    .c raise dot
proc DrawRoot {} {
    global S

    if {[.c find withtag root] ne ""} return

    # Every square is poly with clockwise vertices starting at top left
    set x3 [expr {- $S(sq2)}]
    set y3 [expr {[winfo height .c]/2.0 - $S(margin)}]
    set x0 $x3
    set y0 [expr {$y3 - $S(sq)}]
    set x1 $S(sq2)
    set y1 $y0
    set x2 $x1
    set y2 $y3

    set S(oxy) [list 0 $y0]
    set S(oy) $y0

    .c create poly $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 -tag {root box lvl,0} \
        -fill $S(color,0) -outline black

    set yy0 [expr {$y0 - $S(sq2)}]
    set yy2 [expr {$y0 + $S(sq2)}]
    set xy [list $x0 $yy0 $x2 $yy2]
    .c create arc $xy -extent 180 -tag arc -outline magenta -style arc
    after idle {
        set xy [.c coords arc]
        .c delete arc
        .c create arc $xy -extent 180 -tag arc -outline magenta -style arc
        .c raise dot
    DrawDot 0 $yy0

    .c create text 0 -$y3 -tag title -text "Pythagoras Tree" -anchor n \
        -font {Times 36 bold}

# _Draw2NewSquares -- Draws the 2 children squares off of a parent square
proc _Draw2NewSquares {lvl parent} {
    global S

    # Calculate new vertex offset from top of parent square
    # top is vector halfway along "top" edge
    lassign [.c coords $parent] x0 y0 x1 y1
    set top [VScale [VSub [list $x1 $y1] [list $x0 $y0]] .5]
    set topRot [VRotate $top $S(dot,angle)]
    set topMiddle [VAdd [list $x0 $y0] $top]
    set newDot [VAdd $topMiddle $topRot]

    _DrawSquareFromBottom $lvl $newDot [list $x0 $y0]
    _DrawSquareFromBottom $lvl [list $x1 $y1] $newDot
# _DrawSquareFromBottom -- Draws square given bottom two points
proc _DrawSquareFromBottom {lvl p2 p3} {
    set V [VSub $p2 $p3]
    _DrawSquareFromBottomV $lvl $p3 $V
# _DrawSquareFromBottomV -- Draws square given bottom left point
# and bottom vector
proc _DrawSquareFromBottomV {lvl p3 V} {
    set N [VNormalLeft $V]
    set p0 [VAdd $p3 $N]
    set p1 [VAdd $p0 $V]
    set p2 [VAdd $p3 $V]
    set xy [concat $p0 $p1 $p2 $p3]
    .c create poly $xy -tag [list tree box lvl,$lvl] -fill $::S(color,$lvl) \
        -outline black
# DrawDot -- Draws or moves the dot used to twist the fractal
proc DrawDot {x y} {
    global S

    set S(dot,xy) [list $x $y]
    set xy [list [expr {$x-$::S(dotSize)}] [expr {$y-$::S(dotSize)}] \
                [expr {$x+$::S(dotSize)}] [expr {$y+$::S(dotSize)}]]
    if {[.c find withtag dot] eq ""} {
        .c create oval $xy -tag dot -fill magenta -outline magenta
        .c bind dot <1> [list DotMove %x %y]
        .c bind dot <B1-Motion> [list DotMove %x %y]
    } else {
        .c coords dot $xy
# DotMove -- Handles mouse moving the dot
proc DotMove {x y} {
    global S
    set x [.c canvasx $x]
    set y [.c canvasy $y]
    if {$y > $S(oy)} { set y $S(oy)}

    if {$::S(right)} {
        set V [VSub [list $x $y] $S(oxy)]
        set V2 [VResize $V $S(sq2)]
        set P [VAdd $S(oxy) $V2]
        lassign $P x y
    DrawDot $x $y
    set V1 [VSub [list $x $y] $S(oxy)]
    set V2 [list 1 0]
    set S(dot,angle) [VAngle $V1 $V2]
proc About {} {
    set msg "Pythagoras Tree\nby Keith Vetter\nJune 2010\n\n"
    append msg "The Pythagoras Tree is a plane fractal constructed "
    append msg "from squares. It is named after Pythagoras because "
    append msg "each triple of touching squares encloses a right "
    append msg "triangle, in a configuration traditionally used to "
    append msg "depict the Pythagorean theorem."
    tk_messageBox -icon info -message $msg
# Vector routines
#   VAdd -- adds two vectors w/ scaling of 2nd vector
#   VSub -- subtract two vectors
#   VScale -- multiplies vector size
#   VResize -- sets vector size to a given length
#   VNormalLeft -- returns normal vector to a given vector
#   VRotate -- rotates vector anti-clockwise
#   VAngle -- determines angle between two vectors
#   VDot -- computes dot product of two vectors
#   VLength -- returns length of a vector
proc VAdd {v1 v2 {scaling 1}} {
    foreach {x1 y1} $v1 {x2 y2} $v2 break
    return [list [expr {$x1 + $scaling*$x2}] [expr {$y1 + $scaling*$y2}]]
proc VSub {v1 v2} { return [VAdd $v1 $v2 -1] }
proc VScale {v scaling} {
    lassign $v x y
    return [list [expr {$x * $scaling}] [expr {$y * $scaling}]]
proc VResize {v newSize} {
    set ::v $v; set ::newSize $newSize
    lassign $v x y
    set len [expr {hypot($x,$y)}]
    if {$len == 0} { return {0 0}}
    return [list [expr {$x * $newSize / $len}] [expr {$y * $newSize / $len}]]
proc VNormalLeft {vv} {
    foreach {x y} $vv break
    return [list $y [expr {-$x}]]
    set len [expr {hypot($x,$y)}]
    set xx [expr {-$y * $length / $len}]
    set yy [expr {$x * $length / $len}]
    return [list $xx $yy]
proc VRotate {v degree} {
    set rad [expr {-$degree * acos(-1)/180}]
    set cos [expr {cos($rad)}]
    set sin [expr {sin($rad)}]
    lassign $v x0 y0
    set x [expr {$x0*$cos - $y0*$sin}]
    set y [expr {$x0*$sin + $y0*$cos}]
    return [list $x $y]
proc VAngle {V1 V2} {
    set v1 [VResize $V1 1]
    set v2 [VResize $V2 1]
    set dot [VDot $v1 $v2]
    set angle [expr {acos($dot) * 180 / acos(-1)}]
    return $angle
proc VDot {v1 v2} {
    foreach {x1 y1} $v1 {x2 y2} $v2 break
    return [expr {$x1*$x2 + $y1*$y2}]
proc VLength {v} {
    lassign $v x y
    return [expr {hypot($x,$y)}]
update ;# causes Redraw to be called