====== # # tclline: An attempt at a pure tcl readline. # # This base code taken from http://wiki.tcl.tk/20215 and # http://wiki.tcl.tk/16139 # # Author: HCG # Licence: "as freely available as possible" http://wiki.tcl.tk/4381 # # Modified by rjmcmahon: fixes history and multiple key sequences per input char (may not assume atomic) # Also added ability to extend the completion handlers # # Note: The wiki.tcl.tk is broken with respect to creating a new page and reverting back to an old page # Some comments from the previous wiki page no longer shown as the file upload seem to overwrite the entire wiki page. # # [LV] Actually, it isn't broken - but there might be a misunderstanding in terms of the functionality of file upload. # The comments on each page are literally part of the page itself. The file upload replaces the complete contents of the page with new contents # Thus, if the comments would be useful to keep, you should download the current wiki text page, replace the portion of the page containing # code or whatever with the new contents, then upload the entire page. By just uploading tclline, you are effectively saying "the only thing # I want on this page is the contents of this file". # package provide TclReadLine 1.1 # Use Tclx if available: catch { package require Tclx # Prevent sigint from killing our shell: signal ignore SIGINT } namespace eval TclReadLine { namespace export interact # Initialise our own env variables: variable PROMPT ">" variable COMPLETION_MATCH "" # Support extensions to the completion handling # which will be called in list order. # Initialize with the "open sourced" TCL base handler # taken from the wiki page variable COMPLETION_HANDLERS [list TclReadLine::handleCompletionBase] # # This value was determined by measuring # a cygwin over ssh. # variable READLINE_LATENCY 10 # in ms variable CMDLINE "" variable CMDLINE_CURSOR 0 variable CMDLINE_LINES 0 variable ALIASES array set ALIASES {} variable forever 0 # Resource and history files: variable HISTORY_SIZE 100 variable HISTORY_LEVEL 0 variable HISTFILE $::env(HOME)/.tclline_history variable RCFILE $::env(HOME)/.tcllinerc } proc TclReadLine::ESC {} { return "\033" } proc TclReadLine::shift {ls} { upvar 1 $ls LIST set ret [lindex $LIST 0] set LIST [lrange $LIST 1 end] return $ret } proc TclReadLine::readbuf {txt} { upvar 1 $txt STRING set ret [string index $STRING 0] set STRING [string range $STRING 1 end] return $ret } proc TclReadLine::goto {row {col 1}} { switch -- $row { "home" {set row 1} } print "[ESC]\[${row};${col}H" nowait } proc TclReadLine::gotocol {col} { print "\r" nowait if {$col > 0} { print "[ESC]\[${col}C" nowait } } proc TclReadLine::clear {} { print "[ESC]\[2J" nowait goto home } proc TclReadLine::clearline {} { print "[ESC]\[2K\r" nowait } proc TclReadLine::getColumns {} { set cols 0 if {![catch {exec stty -a} err]} { regexp {rows (= )?(\d+); columns (= )?(\d+)} $err junk i1 rows i2 cols } return $cols } proc TclReadLine::localInfo {args} { set v [uplevel _info $args] if { [string equal "script" [lindex $args 0]] } { if { [string equal $v $TclReadLine::ThisScript] } { return "" } } return $v } proc TclReadLine::localPuts {args} { set l [llength $args] if { 3 < $l } { return -code error "Error: wrong \# args" } if { 1 < $l } { if { [string equal "-nonewline" [lindex $args 0]] } { if { 2 < $l } { # we don't send to channel... eval _origPuts $args } else { set str [lindex $args 1] append TclReadLine::putsString $str ;# no newline... } } else { # must be a channel eval _origPuts $args } } else { append TclReadLine::putsString [lindex $args 0] "\n" } } proc TclReadLine::prompt {{txt ""}} { if { "" != [info var ::tcl_prompt1] } { rename ::puts ::_origPuts rename TclReadLine::localPuts ::puts variable putsString set putsString "" eval [set ::tcl_prompt1] set prompt $putsString rename ::puts TclReadLine::localPuts rename ::_origPuts ::puts } else { variable PROMPT set prompt [subst $PROMPT] } set txt "$prompt$txt" variable CMDLINE_LINES variable CMDLINE_CURSOR variable COLUMNS foreach {end mid} $CMDLINE_LINES break # Calculate how many extra lines we need to display. # Also calculate cursor position: set n -1 set totalLen 0 set cursorLen [expr {$CMDLINE_CURSOR+[string length $prompt]}] set row 0 set col 0 # Render output line-by-line to $out then copy back to $txt: set found 0 set out [list] foreach line [split $txt "\n"] { set len [expr {[string length $line]+1}] incr totalLen $len if {$found == 0 && $totalLen >= $cursorLen} { set cursorLen [expr {$cursorLen - ($totalLen - $len)}] set col [expr {$cursorLen % $COLUMNS}] set row [expr {$n + ($cursorLen / $COLUMNS) + 1}] if {$cursorLen >= $len} { set col 0 incr row } set found 1 } incr n [expr {int(ceil(double($len)/$COLUMNS))}] while {$len > 0} { lappend out [string range $line 0 [expr {$COLUMNS-1}]] set line [string range $line $COLUMNS end] set len [expr {$len-$COLUMNS}] } } set txt [join $out "\n"] set row [expr {$n-$row}] # Reserve spaces for display: if {$end} { if {$mid} { print "[ESC]\[${mid}B" nowait } for {set x 0} {$x < $end} {incr x} { clearline print "[ESC]\[1A" nowait } } clearline set CMDLINE_LINES $n # Output line(s): print "\r$txt" if {$row} { print "[ESC]\[${row}A" nowait } gotocol $col lappend CMDLINE_LINES $row } proc TclReadLine::print {txt {wait wait}} { # Sends output to stdout chunks at a time. # This is to prevent the terminal from # hanging if we output too much: while {[string length $txt]} { puts -nonewline [string range $txt 0 2047] set txt [string range $txt 2048 end] if {$wait == "wait"} { after 1 } } } proc TclReadLine::unknown {args} { set name [lindex $args 0] set cmdline $TclReadLine::CMDLINE set cmd [string trim [regexp -inline {^\s*[^\s]+} $cmdline]] if {[info exists TclReadLine::ALIASES($cmd)]} { set cmd [regexp -inline {^\s*[^\s]+} $TclReadLine::ALIASES($cmd)] } set new [auto_execok $name] if {$new != ""} { set redir "" if {$name == $cmd && [info command $cmd] == ""} { set redir ">&@ stdout <@ stdin" } if {[catch { uplevel 1 exec $redir $new [lrange $args 1 end]} ret] } { return } return $ret } uplevel _unknown $args } proc TclReadLine::alias {word command} { variable ALIASES set ALIASES($word) $command } proc TclReadLine::unalias {word} { variable ALIASES array unset ALIASES $word } ################################ # Key bindings ################################ proc TclReadLine::handleEscapes {} { variable CMDLINE variable CMDLINE_CURSOR upvar 1 keybuffer keybuffer set seq "" set found 0 while {[set ch [readbuf keybuffer]] != ""} { append seq $ch switch -exact -- $seq { "\[A" { ;# Cursor Up (cuu1,up) handleHistory 1 set found 1; break } "\[B" { ;# Cursor Down handleHistory -1 set found 1; break } "\[C" { ;# Cursor Right (cuf1,nd) if {$CMDLINE_CURSOR < [string length $CMDLINE]} { incr CMDLINE_CURSOR } set found 1; break } "\[D" { ;# Cursor Left if {$CMDLINE_CURSOR > 0} { incr CMDLINE_CURSOR -1 } set found 1; break } "\[H" - "\[7~" - "\[1~" { ;# home set CMDLINE_CURSOR 0 set found 1; break } "\[3~" { ;# delete if {$CMDLINE_CURSOR < [string length $CMDLINE]} { set CMDLINE [string replace $CMDLINE \ $CMDLINE_CURSOR $CMDLINE_CURSOR] } set found 1; break } "\[F" - "\[K" - "\[8~" - "\[4~" { ;# end set CMDLINE_CURSOR [string length $CMDLINE] set found 1; break } "\[5~" { ;# Page Up } "\[6~" { ;# Page Down } } } return $found } proc TclReadLine::handleControls {} { variable CMDLINE variable CMDLINE_CURSOR upvar 1 char char upvar 1 keybuffer keybuffer # Control chars start at a == \u0001 and count up. switch -exact -- $char { \u0001 { ;# ^a set CMDLINE_CURSOR 0 } \u0002 { ;# ^b if { $CMDLINE_CURSOR > 0 } { incr CMDLINE_CURSOR -1 } } \u0004 { ;# ^d # should exit - if this is the EOF char, and the # cursor is at the end-of-input if { 0 == [string length $CMDLINE] } { doExit } set CMDLINE [string replace $CMDLINE \ $CMDLINE_CURSOR $CMDLINE_CURSOR] } \u0005 { ;# ^e set CMDLINE_CURSOR [string length $CMDLINE] } \u0006 { ;# ^f if {$CMDLINE_CURSOR < [string length $CMDLINE]} { incr CMDLINE_CURSOR } } \u0007 { ;# ^g set CMDLINE "" set CMDLINE_CURSOR 0 } \u000b { ;# ^k variable YANK set YANK [string range $CMDLINE [expr {$CMDLINE_CURSOR } ] end ] set CMDLINE [string range $CMDLINE 0 [expr {$CMDLINE_CURSOR - 1 } ]] } \u0019 { ;# ^y variable YANK if { [ info exists YANK ] } { set CMDLINE \ "[string range $CMDLINE 0 [expr {$CMDLINE_CURSOR - 1 }]]$YANK[string range $CMDLINE $CMDLINE_CURSOR end]" } } \u000e { ;# ^n handleHistory -1 } \u0010 { ;# ^p handleHistory 1 } \u0003 { ;# ^c # clear line set CMDLINE "" set CMDLINE_CURSOR 0 } \u0008 - \u007f { ;# ^h && backspace ? if {$CMDLINE_CURSOR > 0} { incr CMDLINE_CURSOR -1 set CMDLINE [string replace $CMDLINE \ $CMDLINE_CURSOR $CMDLINE_CURSOR] } } \u001b { ;# ESC - handle escape sequences handleEscapes } } # Rate limiter: set keybuffer "" } proc TclReadLine::shortMatch {maybe} { # Find the shortest matching substring: set maybe [lsort $maybe] set shortest [lindex $maybe 0] foreach x $maybe { while {![string match $shortest* $x]} { set shortest [string range $shortest 0 end-1] } } return $shortest } proc TclReadLine::addCompletionHandler {completion_extension} { variable COMPLETION_HANDLERS set COMPLETION_HANDLERS [concat $completion_extension $COMPLETION_HANDLERS] } proc TclReadLine::delCompletionHandler {completion_extension} { variable COMPLETION_HANDLERS set COMPLETION_HANDLERS [lsearch -all -not -inline $COMPLETION_HANDLERS $completion_extension] } proc TclReadLine::getCompletionHandler {} { variable COMPLETION_HANDLERS return "$COMPLETION_HANDLERS" } proc TclReadLine::handleCompletion {} { variable COMPLETION_HANDLERS foreach handler $COMPLETION_HANDLERS { if {[eval $handler] == 1} { break } } return } proc TclReadLine::handleCompletionBase {} { variable CMDLINE variable CMDLINE_CURSOR set vars "" set cmds "" set execs "" set files "" # First find out what kind of word we need to complete: set wordstart [string last " " $CMDLINE [expr {$CMDLINE_CURSOR-1}]] incr wordstart set wordend [string first " " $CMDLINE $wordstart] if {$wordend == -1} { set wordend end } else { incr wordend -1 } set word [string range $CMDLINE $wordstart $wordend] if {[string trim $word] == ""} return set firstchar [string index $word 0] # Check if word is a variable: if {$firstchar == "\$"} { set word [string range $word 1 end] incr wordstart # Check if it is an array key:proc set x [string first "(" $word] if {$x != -1} { set v [string range $word 0 [expr {$x-1}]] incr x set word [string range $word $x end] incr wordstart $x if {[uplevel \#0 "array exists $v"]} { set vars [uplevel \#0 "array names $v $word*"] } } else { foreach x [uplevel \#0 {info vars}] { if {[string match $word* $x]} { lappend vars $x } } } } else { # Check if word is possibly a path: if {$firstchar == "/" || $firstchar == "." || $wordstart != 0} { set files [glob -nocomplain -- $word*] } if {$files == ""} { # Not a path then get all possibilities: if {$firstchar == "\[" || $wordstart == 0} { if {$firstchar == "\["} { set word [string range $word 1 end] incr wordstart } # Check executables: foreach dir [split $::env(PATH) :] { foreach f [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -- $word*] { set exe [string trimleft [string range $f \ [string length $dir] end] "/"] if {[lsearch -exact $execs $exe] == -1} { lappend execs $exe } } } # Check commands: foreach x [info commands] { if {[string match $word* $x]} { lappend cmds $x } } } else { # Check commands anyway: foreach x [info commands] { if {[string match $word* $x]} { lappend cmds $x } } } } if {$wordstart != 0} { # Check variables anyway: set x [string first "(" $word] if {$x != -1} { set v [string range $word 0 [expr {$x-1}]] incr x set word [string range $word $x end] incr wordstart $x if {[uplevel \#0 "array exists $v"]} { set vars [uplevel \#0 "array names $v $word*"] } } else { foreach x [uplevel \#0 {info vars}] { if {[string match $word* $x]} { lappend vars $x } } } } } variable COMPLETION_MATCH set maybe [concat $vars $cmds $execs $files] set shortest [shortMatch $maybe] if {"$word" == "$shortest"} { if {[llength $maybe] > 1 && $COMPLETION_MATCH != $maybe} { set COMPLETION_MATCH $maybe clearline set temp "" foreach {match format} { vars "35" cmds "1;32" execs "32" files "0" } { if {[llength [set $match]]} { append temp "[ESC]\[${format}m" foreach x [set $match] { append temp "[file tail $x] " } append temp "[ESC]\[0m" } } print "\n$temp\n" } } else { if {[file isdirectory $shortest] && [string index $shortest end] != "/"} { append shortest "/" } if {$shortest != ""} { set CMDLINE \ [string replace $CMDLINE $wordstart $wordend $shortest] set CMDLINE_CURSOR \ [expr {$wordstart+[string length $shortest]}] } elseif { $COMPLETION_MATCH != " not found "} { set COMPLETION_MATCH " not found " print "\nNo match found.\n" } } } proc TclReadLine::handleHistory {x} { variable HISTORY_LEVEL variable HISTORY_SIZE variable CMDLINE variable CMDLINE_CURSOR set maxid [expr [history nextid] - 1] if {$maxid > 0} { incr HISTORY_LEVEL $x # # Note: HISTORY_LEVEL is used to offset into # the history events. It will be reset to zero # when a command is executed by tclline. # # Check the three bounds of # 1) HISTORY_LEVEL < 1 (set to 1, don't wrap) # 2) HISTORY_LEVEL > HISTORY_SIZE # 3) HISTORY_LEVEL > maxid # if {$HISTORY_LEVEL < 1} { set HISTORY_LEVEL 1 } elseif {$HISTORY_LEVEL > $maxid} { set HISTORY_LEVEL $maxid } elseif {$HISTORY_LEVEL > $HISTORY_SIZE} { set HISTORY_LEVEL $HISTORY_SIZE } set id [expr ($maxid + 1) - $HISTORY_LEVEL] set cmd [history event $id] set CMDLINE $cmd set CMDLINE_CURSOR [string length $cmd] } } ################################ # History handling functions ################################ proc TclReadLine::getHistory {} { variable HISTORY_SIZE set l [list] set e [history nextid] set i [expr $e - $HISTORY_SIZE] if {$i <= 0} { set i 1 } for { set i } {$i < $e} {incr i} { lappend l [history event $i] } return $l } proc TclReadLine::setHistory {hlist} { foreach event $hlist { history add $event } } ################################ # main() ################################ proc TclReadLine::rawInput {} { fconfigure stdin -buffering none -blocking 0 fconfigure stdout -buffering none -translation crlf exec stty raw -echo } proc TclReadLine::lineInput {} { fconfigure stdin -buffering line -blocking 1 fconfigure stdout -buffering line exec stty -raw echo } proc TclReadLine::doExit {{code 0}} { variable HISTFILE # Reset terminal: #print "[ESC]c[ESC]\[2J" nowait restore ;# restore "info' command - lineInput set hlist [getHistory] # # Get rid of the TclReadLine::doExit, shouldn't be more than one # set indice [lsearch $hlist "TclReadLine::doExit"] set hlist [lreplace $hlist $indice $indice] if {[llength $hlist] > 0} { set f [open $HISTFILE w] foreach x $hlist { # Escape newlines: puts $f [string map { \n "\\n" "\\" "\\b" } $x] } close $f } exit $code } proc TclReadLine::restore {} { lineInput rename ::unknown TclReadLine::unknown rename ::_unknown ::unknown } proc TclReadLine::interact {} { rename ::unknown ::_unknown rename TclReadLine::unknown ::unknown variable RCFILE if {[file exists $RCFILE]} { source $RCFILE } # Load history if available: # variable HISTORY variable HISTFILE variable HISTORY_SIZE history keep $HISTORY_SIZE if {[file exists $HISTFILE]} { set f [open $HISTFILE r] set hlist [list] foreach x [split [read $f] "\n"] { if {$x != ""} { # Undo newline escapes: lappend hlist [string map { "\\n" \n "\\\\" "\\" "\\b" "\\" } $x] } } setHistory $hlist unset hlist close $f } rawInput # This is to restore the environment on exit: # Do not unalias this! alias exit TclReadLine::doExit variable ThisScript [info script] tclline ;# emit the first prompt fileevent stdin readable TclReadLine::tclline variable forever vwait TclReadLine::forever restore } proc TclReadLine::check_partial_keyseq {buffer} { variable READLINE_LATENCY upvar $buffer keybuffer # # check for a partial esc sequence as tclline expects the whole sequence # if {[string index $keybuffer 0] == [ESC]} { # # Give extra time to read partial key sequences # set timer [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds] + $READLINE_LATENCY] while {[clock clicks -milliseconds] < $timer } { append keybuffer [read stdin] } } } proc TclReadLine::tclline {} { variable COLUMNS variable CMDLINE_CURSOR variable CMDLINE set char "" set keybuffer [read stdin] set COLUMNS [getColumns] check_partial_keyseq keybuffer while {$keybuffer != ""} { if {[eof stdin]} return set char [readbuf keybuffer] if {$char == ""} { # Sleep for a bit to reduce CPU overhead: after 40 continue } if {[string is print $char]} { set x $CMDLINE_CURSOR if {$x < 1 && [string trim $char] == ""} continue set trailing [string range $CMDLINE $x end] set CMDLINE [string replace $CMDLINE $x end] append CMDLINE $char append CMDLINE $trailing incr CMDLINE_CURSOR } elseif {$char == "\t"} { handleCompletion } elseif {$char == "\n" || $char == "\r"} { if {[info complete $CMDLINE] && [string index $CMDLINE end] != "\\"} { lineInput print "\n" nowait uplevel \#0 { # Handle aliases: set cmdline $TclReadLine::CMDLINE set cmd [string trim [regexp -inline {^\s*[^\s]+} $cmdline]] if {[info exists TclReadLine::ALIASES($cmd)]} { regsub -- "(?q)$cmd" $cmdline $TclReadLine::ALIASES($cmd) cmdline } # Perform glob substitutions: set cmdline [string map { "\\*" \0 "\\~" \1 } $cmdline] while {[regexp -indices \ {([\w/\.]*(?:~|\*)[\w/\.]*)+} $cmdline x] } { foreach {i n} $x break set s [string range $cmdline $i $n] set x [glob -nocomplain -- $s] # If glob can't find anything then don't do # glob substitution, pass * or ~ as literals: if {$x == ""} { set x [string map { "*" \0 "~" \1 } $s] } set cmdline [string replace $cmdline $i $n $x] } set cmdline [string map { \0 "*" \1 "~" } $cmdline] rename ::info ::_info rename TclReadLine::localInfo ::info history add $cmdline # Reset HISTORY_LEVEL before next command set TclReadLine::HISTORY_LEVEL 0 # Run the command: set code [catch $cmdline res] rename ::info TclReadLine::localInfo rename ::_info ::info if {$code == 1} { TclReadLine::print "$::errorInfo\n" } else { TclReadLine::print "$res\n" } set TclReadLine::CMDLINE "" set TclReadLine::CMDLINE_CURSOR 0 set TclReadLine::CMDLINE_LINES {0 0} } ;# end uplevel rawInput } else { set x $CMDLINE_CURSOR if {$x < 1 && [string trim $char] == ""} continue set trailing [string range $CMDLINE $x end] set CMDLINE [string replace $CMDLINE $x end] append CMDLINE $char append CMDLINE $trailing incr CMDLINE_CURSOR } } else { handleControls } } prompt $CMDLINE } # # Use the following to invoke readline # # TclReadLine::interact # ====== It might be faster to use [scan] vs. firing up the regex engine, especially as this is called for every character input. Alternatively, if Tclx is available it makes more sense to trap SIGWINCH and update COLUMNS in the handler. ---- [wdb] works fine. How to manage that it is executed automatically on invoking tclsh? [LV] See [tclshrc] for a suggestion. [RLH] Does this mean readline can now work in tclsh? [LV] I think it means that the code on this page works in tclsh. As long as that is what you mean by readline, then sure. ---- [tb] - 2009-12-16 - I just sourced this code into a tclkit-8.5.1 and noticed I had to escape the star in: info proc ::TclReadLine::\* [AM} Yes, I can confirm that. Though: info proc ::TclReadLine::g* or info proc ::TclReadline::*g* does work, so it seems to be a problem with a bare asterisk only. (The command that is stored contains the list of files that are present ...) ---- '''[LVwikignome] - 2009-12-16 08:33:33''' If this code appears to be working well, perhaps it would be worthwhile considering adding it to [tcllib] or some similar commonly distributed package so that it is available readily. ---- '''[arjen] - 2009-12-18 05:48:42''' I copied the code verbatim and had no problem whatsoever. Nice work! (It really acts as an interactive shell, so that you can run external commands like ls and vi) <>Category Dev. Tools