[Python] Specializing Compiler. See [Scripted Compiler] for additional context of this page. * Homepage: http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~arigo/psyco/ * Notes: http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=8148&group_id=41036 ---- [DavidAscher]: The Scripted Compiler ... ''is not unlike what Armin Rigo talked about at OSCON 2002 - see [[...]] his home page for Psyco. In his talk, he particularly emphasized that rewriting most of the [Python] C internals in [Python] would, when run through the Psyco compiler, actually run faster than the current C implementation. Ideas worth sharing.'' [AK]: Psyco seems to be a mix of generic translation to machine code + specialization of said machine code to concrete values in variables and function parameters. Peter Odding[http://xolox.ath.cx]: ''Generic translation to machine code + specialization'' = a JIT compiler? LuaJIT[http://luajit.luaforge.org] does this aswell. Very nice indeed. Especially because JIT-compilers can (in theory) result in faster execution than static compilers. (Sorry for spamming the revisions-log, I tried my own links and the LuaJIT-link doesn't work at the moment. It seems IIS is not happy with the referrer-field. Copy & pasting the address works though. What the? Remove this drivel when it works!)