This is an example of using [Odyce] to extend [eTcl] so it can plays multiumedia files (WAV, MP3, ...). package require odyce package require critcl # DLLs can be imported for all Odyce handles # ::odyce::odyce dllimport winmm.dll ::odyce::odyce dllimport user32.dll ::odyce::odyce dllimport winmm # PlaySound() is in winmm.dll on Win32 systems # critcl::clibraries winmm # And in coredll.dll on WinCE. Since coredll is # automatically imported at startup, no need to # load library explicitely # Odyce doesn't embed all Win32 headers. Either provide # your own winmm.h, or define here required symbols critcl::ccode { #include #include /* Support both UNICODE and ANSI versions */ extern BOOL PlaySoundA(LPCSTR pszSound, HMODULE hmod, DWORD fdwSound); extern BOOL PlaySoundW(LPCWSTR pszSound, HMODULE hmod, DWORD fdwSound); #define SND_SYNC 0 #define SND_ASYNC 1 #define SND_NODEFAULT 2 #define SND_MEMORY 4 #define SND_LOOP 8 #define SND_NOSTOP 16 #define SND_NOWAIT 0x2000 #define SND_ALIAS 0x10000 #define SND_ALIAS_ID 0x110000 #define SND_FILENAME 0x20000 #define SND_RESOURCE 0x40004 #define SND_PURGE 0x40 #define SND_APPLICATION 0x80 #define SND_ALIAS_START 0x00 #define MCI_OPEN 0x803 #define MCI_CLOSE 0x804 #define MCI_ESCAPE 0x805 #define MCI_PLAY 0x806 #define MCI_SEEK 0x807 #define MCI_STOP 0x808 #define MCI_PAUSE 0x809 #define MCI_NOTIFY 1 #define MCI_WAIT 2 #define MCI_FROM 4 #define MCI_TO 8 #define MCI_OPEN_SHAREABLE 256 #define MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT 512 #define MCI_OPEN_TYPE_ID 0x1000 #define MCI_OPEN_TYPE 0x2000 typedef DWORD MCIERROR; typedef UINT MCIDEVICEID; #define MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID ((MCIDEVICEID)-1) typedef struct tagMCI_OPEN_PARMSA { DWORD dwCallback; MCIDEVICEID wDeviceID; LPCSTR lpstrDeviceType; LPCSTR lpstrElementName; LPCSTR lpstrAlias; } MCI_OPEN_PARMSA,*PMCI_OPEN_PARMSA,*LPMCI_OPEN_PARMSA; typedef struct tagMCI_OPEN_PARMSW { DWORD dwCallback; MCIDEVICEID wDeviceID; LPCWSTR lpstrDeviceType; LPCWSTR lpstrElementName; LPCWSTR lpstrAlias; } MCI_OPEN_PARMSW,*PMCI_OPEN_PARMSW,*LPMCI_OPEN_PARMSW; typedef struct tagMCI_PLAY_PARMS { DWORD dwCallback; DWORD dwFrom; DWORD dwTo; } MCI_PLAY_PARMS,*PMCI_PLAY_PARMS,*LPMCI_PLAY_PARMS; /* Prototypes for functions */ MCIERROR mciSendCommand( MCIDEVICEID IDDevice, UINT uMsg, DWORD fdwCommand, DWORD_PTR dwParam ); BOOL WINAPI mciGetErrorStringA(MCIERROR,LPSTR,UINT); #define MCI_SETAUDIO 0x0873 #define MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VOLUME 0x4002 #define MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_ITEM 0x00800000 #define MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VALUE 0x01000000 #define MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME 0x4019 } if {0} { # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED # # # Set volume, range range 0 - 1000 critcl::ccode { typedef struct tagMCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMS { DWORD dwCallback; DWORD dwItem; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwOver; PChar lpstrAlgorithm; PChar lpstrQuality; } MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMS,*PMCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMS,*LPMCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMS; typedef struct tagMCI_STATUS_PARMS { DWORD dwCallback; DWORD dwReturn; DWORD dwItem; DWORD dwTrack; } MCI_STATUS_PARMS,*PMCI_STATUS_PARMS,*LPMCI_STATUS_PARMS; } critcl::cproc setvolume {int volume} void { /* TMediaPlayer MP; */ MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_PARMS p; p.dwCallback = 0; p.dwItem = MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VOLUME; p.dwValue = Volume; p.dwOver = 0; p.lpstrAlgorithm = nil; p.lpstrQuality = nil; mciSendCommand(0 /*MP.DeviceID*/, MCI_SETAUDIO, MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VALUE | MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_ITEM, &p); } # Get volume, range range 0 - 1000 critcl::cproc getvolume {} int { /* TMediaPlayer MP; */ MCI_STATUS_PARMS p; p.dwCallback = 0; p.dwItem = MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME; mciSendCommand(0 /*MP.DeviceID*/, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM, &p); return p.dwReturn; } } # Either define a simple play function using cproc # See # critcl::cproc playsimple {char* name} void { MCI_OPEN_PARMSA openParms; MCI_PLAY_PARMS pp; MCIDEVICEID pDevice; int mcicode; openParms.dwCallback = NULL; openParms.lpstrElementName = name; /* Open command */ mcicode=-1; if (mcicode!=0) { openParms.lpstrDeviceType = (char*) "waveaudio"; mcicode=mciSendCommandA(0, MCI_OPEN, MCI_OPEN_TYPE|MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT, (DWORD) (LPVOID) &openParms); } if (mcicode!=0) { /* Retry with different device type */ openParms.lpstrDeviceType = (char*) "MPEGVideo"; mcicode=mciSendCommandA(0, MCI_OPEN, MCI_OPEN_TYPE|MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT, (DWORD) (LPVOID) &openParms); } if (mcicode!=0) { // mciGetErrorStringA(mcicode, szErr, 128); MessageBoxA(NULL,name,"MCI error", MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND); return; } pDevice = openParms.wDeviceID; /* Play command */ pp.dwCallback = NULL; pp.dwFrom = 0; mciSendCommandA(pDevice, MCI_PLAY, MCI_NOTIFY|MCI_FROM, (DWORD) &pp); return; if (name==NULL || name[0]==0) { PlaySoundA(NULL,NULL,SND_SYNC); } else { PlaySoundA(name,NULL, SND_LOOP|SND_ASYNC|SND_NODEFAULT|SND_FILENAME); } return; } # A more complete implementation critcl::ccommand play {dummy interp objc objv} { int i; int rc; DWORD sndopts; Tcl_DString ds; Tcl_Obj *filenameObj; CONST char *filename; CONST char *nativename; int filenameLength; int subindex; int optsync; int optloop; int optstop; int optwait; int optcomplain; static CONST char *playswitches[] = { "-sync","-loop", "-nostop","-nowait", "-nocomplain", (char *) NULL }; enum playopts { SUBCMD_PLAY_SYNC,SUBCMD_PLAY_LOOP, SUBCMD_PLAY_NOSTOP,SUBCMD_PLAY_NOWAIT, SUBCMD_PLAY_NOCOMPLAIN }; /* Default options for playing sound */ optsync=0; optloop=0; optstop=1; optwait=-1; /* Default generic options */ optcomplain=1; /* For debugging, stdout and stderr are redirected to console */ fprintf(stderr,"Test PlaySound() nbargs=%d\n",objc); if (objc<=1) { /* Stop any sound playing */ filename=NULL; } else { for (i=1;i0} { ::etcl::automanage . } if {[catch {set os [set ::tcl_platform(os)]}]} { set os "unknown" } # A menu is always recommended on PocketPC and Smartphone # Force menu theme on PocketPC set menuargs [list] lappend menuargs -tearoff 0 if {[string match "Windows CE" $os]} { lappend menuargs -borderwidth 0 lappend menuargs -background "white" lappend menuargs -foreground "black" lappend menuargs -activebackground "#000080" lappend menuargs -activeforeground "white" lappend menuargs -relief flat } # Default menu options on X11 are just ugly... if {![string compare "x11" [tk windowingsystem]]} { lappend menuargs -borderwidth 1 lappend menuargs -relief raised lappend menuargs -activeborderwidth 1 lappend menuargs -activeforeground "\#000000" lappend menuargs -activebackground "\#e0e0e0" # lappend menuargs -font $S(font) } set mb [eval [list menu .mb] $menuargs] set m [eval [list menu $mb.file] $menuargs] $m add command -label "Exit" -command {destroy .} $mb add cascade -label "File" \ -menu $m -underline 0 . configure -menu $mb # Display console if it exists # catch {console show} update puts "Odyce [package present critcl]" puts "Critcl [package present critcl]" # Play standard WAV using PlaySound() after 1000 [list play -loop "tada.wav"] # And cancel play after 5s after 5000 [list play -] # Play any multimedia file (MP3, ...) using MCI # playsimple [file nativename [file normalize test.mp3]] ---- [Category Example]