----- '''EDIT/RECENT CHANGES''' * Edit this page: http://wiki.tcl.tk/edit/11149@ * Recent Changes: http://wiki.tcl.tk/4 ----- '''Mail''' [Robert Abitbol] Thanks Peter for your excellent presentation on the "Answered Questions on ..." pages. The idea to put trails on each page (Home, back, and forward) was '''grand'''. The idea for a table of contents for each page was also very appropriate. The same goes for the excellent presentation on the [Answered Questions Index Page]. This is very professional work which makes those pages a pleasure to read. Thanks again! ---- ---- '''Please don't edit anything below this line. It's stuff from [Ask, and it shall be given.] that's being transferred to the "Answered Questions On: Whatever" pages. Thanks.''' ---- ---- '''Category: ''' Nov 04, 2003 Newbie asks: I'm trying to create a "yellow stick note" app. I have created a little decoration-less window using wm overrideredirect, and now I need to generate window-moving events so that I can manually place the sticky note. I believe I need to use event generate, but how do I get drag coordinates into a little script, which would (I believe) call wm geometry? Thanks... Here's a solution: set ::moveable 0 wm overrideredirect . 1 bind . {set ::moveable 1} bind . {set ::moveable 0} bind . {if {!$::moveable} {break}; wm geometry %W +[expr %X-10]+[expr %Y-10]} JPT Newbie responds: Sacrosanct bovine, Batman! You guys sure make it look easy! Just to make myself feel better, I modified your solution so that the frame wouldn't 'jump' to the cursor: set ::moveable 0 set ::X 0 set ::Y 0 wm overrideredirect . 1 bind . {set ::moveable 1; set ::X [expr %X-$::X]; set ::Y [expr %Y-$::Y]} bind . {set ::moveable 0; set ::X [expr %X-$::X]; set ::Y [expr %Y-$::Y]} bind . {if {!$::moveable} {break}; wm geometry %W +[expr %X-$::X]+[expr %Y-$::Y]} ---- '''Category: ''' 22-Oct-2003 I'm using tclkit to run tcl stuff on windows plattforms, but i can't open files under Windows XP. Win 2000 works fine, are there any known issues with Win XP, maybe concerning filepaths? Bernd [Vince] -- no, there are no known problems on XP. You'll have to be much more precise about what your doing. Provide a short script (< 10 lines) which works on 2000 but fails on XP. This should be easy if you ''can't open files''. Well, a single line will do: "set FILE [open test/file.txt r]". This works fine on 2000 but fails to find the requested file on xp. The problem remains when i replace slash by backslash, i'd think both variants should work. There is nothing else in the script i used for my test, the script is wrapped for win using: "sdx wrap tclxp.exe -runtime tclkit-win32.upx.exe". -- Bernd I'm really surprised now, because i can't even open a file in the same directory ("set FILE [open file.txt r]"). So it's not a slash, backslash problem. -- Bernd [Vince] with any bug report, the ''error message'' you get is critical. Anyway, I suggest you report this on comp.lang.tcl or on sourceforge, not here. ---- Question on text widgets displaying large files moved to [text]. --------------------------------------- '''Category: ''' 18-Oct-2003 Hello! I have a question about Winico. I have installed the package and have trouble loading it. After copying the winico03.dll into the working directory, I enter the following: load winico03.dll I get a cannot find library winico03.dll or one of its dependants. What would cause this and what do I do to overcome it? Thanking you in anticipation. --------------------- '''Category: ''' Broken Link??? Sep 30 - 2003 Hello. I tried the following link that was on the wiki site (ftp://ftp.dcade.de/pub/ml/tcl/packages/tcl_messageBox10.zip) but could not get through. Anyone have any luck as I would like to view this. Thanks Ep -------------------------------------- '''Category: ''' Tcl Installation/Uninstallation Sep 30 - 2003 Hi all! I easily compiled and installed the latest Tcl source code. I was needing it for compiling expect. Now I am done with my tasks, I have successfully uninstalled expect, but I found that there is NO make uninstall available for the Tcl code. Does anybody know any way to uninstall Tcl source code, apart from searching by date and removing file by file!? Your help is much appreciated!! Have fun, Oscar --------------------------------------- '''Category: ''' Sep 29 - 2003 How can i use the options(-error,-sockname,-peername) of configure command of socket ? The main problem is, like -sockname option returns three elements so how can i store these values to use further? ---- '''Category: ''' Sep 26 - 2003 I want to make a frontend to gcc in tcl. if {[catch {exec gcc -c $Compiler_Flags $Filename } Result]} { puts $Result exit 1 } I want to map gcc's output messages to stdout and stderr, while the command runs. I could direct it to a file, but we'll proberbly be running this frontend, several persons at the same time. - [RS]: Experiment with eval exec [list gcc ... > @stdout 2> @ stderr $Compiler_Flags [list $Filename] ---- '''Category: ''' Sep 25, 2003 I have a channel that I have opened as: set cid [ socket -server cfg $port ] From time to time the client times out reading this channel. When that happens the data in the buffer (from a puts command) is no longer valid. I would like to throw it away. NOT [flush] it, which just sends it to the client the next time the client tries to do a read, but actually empty the buffer and throw the data away. How can I do this? Thank you in advance. ---- '''Category: ''' 20-Sep-2003 I'm messing around with tk_setPalette I have a problem with the foreground being black on black or more precisely very dark blue this is only a problem with errors which I can't read unless I edit both libs: dialog.tcl and bgerror .tcl. I made the foreground red which is readable. I hate messing with the lib scripts though, is there a way I can do this from within the main script? ---- '''Category: ''' '''Older questions that remain unanswered or partially answered''' go below the following line: