Version 19 of Pave, sort of geometry manager

Updated 2021-01-27 04:33:50 by JeffSmith

The apave v3.2.7 package provides a sort of geometry manager for Tcl/Tk.

The apave isn't designed to replace the existing Tk geometry managers (place, pack, grid). Rather the pave tries to simplify the window layout by using their best, by means of:

  • joining the power of grid and pack
  • uniting the creation of widgets with their layout (and mostly their configuration)
  • minimizing a coder's efforts at creating / modifying / removing widgets
  • setting a natural tab order of widgets
  • theming both ttk and non-ttk widgets
  • centralizing things like icons or popup menus
  • providing mega-attributes, right up to the user-defined ones
  • providing mega-widgets

The apave is implemented as APave oo::class, so that you can enhance it with your own inherited / mixin-ed class.

While APave oo::class allows to layout highly sophisticated windows, you can also employ its more 'earthy' descendants:

APaveDialog and APaveInput allow you:

  • to call a variety of dialogs, optionally using a "Don't show again" checkbox and a tagged text
  • to use a variety of widgets in dialogs, with entry, text, combobox, file content combobox, spinbox, listbox, file listbox, tablelist, option cascade, checkbutton, radiobutton, label, title label
  • to resize windows neatly (however strange, not done in Tk standard dialogs)

The theming facility of apave is enabled by ObjectTheming oo::class which embraces both ttk and non-ttk widgets.

Along with standard widgets, the mentioned apave classes provide a batch of following mega-widgets:

  • file picker
  • saved file picker
  • directory picker
  • font picker
  • color picker
  • date picker
  • menubar
  • toolbar
  • statusbar
  • file combobox
  • file listbox
  • file viewer/editor
  • option cascade
  • e_menu
  • bartabs
  • link
  • baltip
  • gutter

At last, a stand-alone dialog allows not only to ask "OK/Cancel" or "Yes/No" returning 1/0 but also to set environment variables to use in shell scripts.

The apave originates from the old pave package, to comply with How to build good packages ("avoid simple, obvious names for your namespace"). Let it be a sort of a-pave.

Further details:



Download link:

Gallery of demos:

Overview of apave

Theming in apave

Links in apave

Dialogues in apave

Below are some screenshots, just to give a glance at this stuff.

PaveMe example

Figure 1. PaveMe example described line by line in

test2_pave.tcl demo

Figure 2. Screenshot of test (test2_pave.tcl).

test2_pave.tcl demo themed

Figure 3. The same as above, just themed.

test2_pave.tcl demo themed

Figure 4. Themed non-ttk widgets.

Jeff Smith 2021-01-21 : Below is an online demo using CloudTk. This demo runs "Pave, sort of geometry manager" in an Alpine Linux Docker Container. It is a 28.4MB image which is made up of Alpine Linux + tclkit + Pave-sort-of-geometry-manager-3.2.7.kit + libx11 + libxft + fontconfig + ttf-linux-libertine + tzdata. It is run under a user account in the Container. The Container is restrictive with permissions for "Other" removed for "execute" and "read" for certain directories.

Jeff Smith Without looking at the code this demo appears to disconnect at times. I think it maybe because when changes occur the Tk app gets "Restarted" and CloudTk disconnects the session if the Tk app disappears.

aplsimple - 2021-01-21 09:37:22

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your attention, I'm kinda touched.

As for restarting, you could imitate it with this start of test2_pave.tcl:

     test2_pave.tcl 0 14 12 "middle icons"


  • 0 means "Mild dark" color scheme
  • 14 is a font size
  • 12 is an answer to "Restart test?" warning (i.e. "No" + "Don't show again")
  • "middle icons" means an icon set

By the way, this start resolves a problem with color schemes: when CS is set at start, no blinking occurs at switching tabs, resizing etc.

Also, I have to note that test2_pave.tcl is a test & demo, i.e. something preparatory. Hopefully, it would be followed by something real.

Regards, Alex

Jeff Smith 2021-01-22 : Hi Alex, I made the changes as suggested. With the increased font and icon sizes, it may be better to click on the noVNC control bar tab at the side of the iFrame and select "Fullscreen" for viewing this demo.

aplsimple - 2021-01-22 18:08:07

Hi Jeff,

Perhaps, it makes sense to insert tklib0.6/widget/calendar.tcl (or tklib0.6/widget or entire tklib0.6) into the image and maybe into other ones. Otherwise, at least in this specific demo, the date picker isn't called.

I've updated to disable all of "Restart" options when started from CloudTk. Hopefully it will work.

The "Mild dark" color scheme (0 in the above example) may seem too dark/gloomy for Australian, nay, for anyone. If so, you might try a light CS, e.g. Sandy (12), Florid (19), LightGreen (20), TKE-YellowStone (28)... After all, it's your kingdom of CloudTk and you are the king, not?

The Fullscreen mode runs like a dream :)

Jeff Smith 2021-01-27 : Calendar is now working but may not appear as expected due to the "matchbox window manager". Also the clocks are displaying correctly with the inclusion of the "tzdata" package in the Alpine Linux Docker Container. Now running apave v3.2.7.