Version 1 of Pattern Searches on Blocks of Text

Updated 2017-06-19 20:10:41 by WJG

WJG (19/06/17) Recently I've been doing a lot of work in the area of NLP and corpus linguistics using Tcl. Whilst I find the Tcl string really useful there are times when I want to probe a block of 'haystack' text closely by searching for patterns within the text and extracting the position of the 'needles' in the 'haystack'. The following is what I have come up with. I expect that there are ways of optimizing or enhancing it, maybe someone has done a better job elsewhere.

# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

# Perform multiple search on text block.
# Args:
#        needle                list of search items, wildcards permitted
#        haystack        block of text upon to search
# Options:
#        -exact                (default: 1)        match all items in the needle list        
#        -nocase                (default: 0)        ignore case
#        -token                (default: "")        split needle string by token
#        -verbose        (default: 0)        return full details of the search matches
# Returns:
#        * Various patterns based upon options settings
#        * Default settings would result in returning a 1 (true) or 0 (false) 
#         whilst matching an exact needle pattern within the haystack string.
#        setting -verbose to 1, will result in a complete listing of the 
#        occurrences of the needle in the haystack. 
#        * Each matched item will be reported in the form of a duple, where the 
#        first element contains the character position and word number of the 
#        matched item in the haystack, followed by the matched item itself.
#        e.g. {idx pos} match
proc pattern_search {needles haystack args} {
        # set defaults and assign options values from args
        array set opts [list -nocase 0 -token "" -verbose 0 -exact 1] 
        array set opts $args
        # tokenize needle string                
        if { $opts(-token) != "" } { set needle [split $needles $opts(-token)] }
        set i 0 ;# counter for successful matches per line
        set word_number 0 ;# word number
        set needle_tally ""        ;# tally of which needle patterns have been found
        set found ""
        foreach wrd $haystack {
                foreach sub $needles {
                        if { $opts(-nocase) } {
                                set id [string match -nocase $sub $wrd ]
                        } else {
                                set id [string match $sub $wrd ]
                        if { $id == 1 } { 
                                lappend needle_tally $sub 
                                lappend found $word_number $wrd
                                incr i 
                incr word_number

        set needle_tally [lsort -unique $needle_tally]
        set needle [lsort -unique $needles]

        # exact match for occurences of needles in haystack
        if { $opts(-exact) } {
                if { $needle_tally == $needle } {
                        if { $opts(-verbose) } {  
                                return [pattern_search_verbose $found $haystack]
                } ;#else { return >0 } 
        if { $opts(-verbose) } { return [pattern_search_verbose $found $haystack] }  

        # not an exact match
        if {$i >= 1} { return 1 }
        # no matches whatsoever
        return 0 

# get a detailed list of the needles found in the haystack
# Args:
#        found
#        haystack
# Returns:
#        formatted list of found needles in haystack
#        {character-position word-number} needle
proc pattern_search_verbose { found haystack } {
        set res ""
        set idx -1
        foreach {pos match} $found {
                set idx [string first $match $haystack $idx+1]
                lappend res [list $idx $pos] $match
        return $res

# example uses
puts "1) [pattern_search "B F" "A B C D E F G" ]" ;# -nocase 0 -token "" -verbose 0 -exact 1
puts "2) [pattern_search "B H" "A B C D E F G" -nocase 1]"         ;# -token "" -verbose 0 -exact 1 
puts "3) [pattern_search "b" "A B C D E F G" -nocase 1 -exact 0]" ;# -token "" -verbose 0
puts "4) [pattern_search "d*" "A B C DOG E F G" -exact 0 -nocase 1]" ;# -token "" -verbose 0
puts "5) [pattern_search "A+D+G+Z" "A B C D E F G" -token +]" ;# -nocase 0 -verbose 0 -exact 1
puts "6) [pattern_search "A* *b* *G" "APPLE EBB C D E F EGG bottle Grape Apple APPLE Grape Garden" -exact 1 -verbose 1]" ;# -token ""
puts "7) [pattern_search "A* *b* *G" "APPLE EBB C D E F EGG bottle Grape Apple APPLE Grape Garden" -nocase 1 -exact 0 -verbose 1]" ;# -token ""
puts "8) [pattern_search eggs basket -verbose 1]"