PDQ: [http://www.perfdynamics.com/Tools/PDQ.html%|%Pretty Damn Quick%|%] is a tool for analyzing computer systems performance. It has been the basis for a couple of books by Neil Gunther, the latest of which is "[http://www.perfdynamics.com/iBook/ppa_new.html%|%Analyzing Computer Systems Performance with Perl::PDQ%|%]". As the name suggests, the book uses Perl. But since all the author did was use SWIG to wrap his PDQ C library, you can pretty easily substitute Tcl for Perl (which is what I am in the process of doing -- [Todd Coram]). Interestingly, Tcl with PDQ runs a tad bit faster than Perl::PDQ (probably due to a faster Tcl startup). ---- Not to be confused with PDQ [Ledger] 1.6: A Finance Application: http://pdqi.com/ledger.html, which is written in Tcl/Tk. <> Application | Performance