'''an abscence of magic, and no policy''' This was all lifted [http://trixie.triqs.com/pipermail/starkit/2002-July/000089.html]: There is no presupposition about how your files are arranged other than that the top level main.tcl is to be interpreted at launch. Unlike some other wrapping methods there isn't an enforced or assumed layout. The above is worth repeating, IMO. All a starkit does, is contain a dir hierarchy (even if just a flat one) which gets "mounted". That mount point happens to be the same spot as the starkit itself - in other words, file "/path/to/my/starkit.kit" ends up becoming *dir* "/path/to/my/ starkit.kit/" while in use, with things like "/path/to/my/starkit.kit/ lib/" being a preferred place to put packages, because that's what "starkit::startup" will set up for you, but it's all 100% wide open and totally scripted/inspectable. ---- This is quite true - but I'll add the comment that the "starkit::startup" procedure that is usually invoked from the main.tcl does add the /path/to/my/starkit.kit/lib directory to the auto_path. So, although there isn't any inforced structure it sure is convenient to just drop packages into .../lib and have them available in your application - [stevel] [Ro]: yep steve you're right on the mark. It does say that in the paragraph that I lifted from [jcw], but I'm glad that you expounded on that fact. A nice standard structure is easier to use, because you know that ''it works''. ---- [Sexy Starkits] [Category Tclkit]