by [Theo Verelst] Network theory in the Electrical Engineering sense is the theory of electrical networks, like the practice is electronical networks with actual voltage supplies, resistors, capacitors, etc. Electrical network elements are like Platonic concepts of the electronical counterparts, where the main elements are sources (voltage or current), resistive elements, and complex resistive elements, inductances and capacitors. [Bwise] is kind of inviting to use the [Tk] canvas to draw not blocks but network elements, and so to play with virtual electronics. In fact, when I worked at university I came up with the foundation of [BWise] for amoung other things such reason. I was Master of Science (close to getting a PhD) in Network Theory Section, and computers were getting good enough to use for complex networks being graphically respresented (as we know the father of tcl/tk, J. Oesterhout, invented the language amoung other reasons for yet another EE purpose: chip layer design). Bwise normally uses rectangular blocks as elements of its graph structure, in this case I want to adapt the routine for creating such blocks to create on the canvas another graphical representation, to begin with of a resistor, which is in fact also a rectangle, in two possible directions, so that shouldn't be too hard. Trying this with bwise by typing with the [interactive command composer] or in the [console] window newproc {} R p1 p2 50 18 {} 100 300 we see the graphics are not automcatically appealing: [] So we have to make a new create command for bwise, which calls ''newblock'' with other parameters, or we should create a new procedure for newblock, to be able to use other colors and such. Lets do that first, and then be able to play around with freshman year electrical networks, and be able to use more than a few bwise pages and ideas on various and tcl pages in the context. For instance driving maxima to actually compute what goes on in the networks, even symbolically, and some scripts to even make sounds of the result. Of course this is all the more fun when an interactive graphical representation such as in bwise with the Tk canvas is available. Well, calling newblock to make a resistor block for us like so newblock R1 200 300 50 18 p1 p2 also gives no good result, the pins aren't drawn nice, and maybe we want a black and white and transparent block instead anyhow, so lets make a new proc called newnetwelm proc newnetwelm { {name {}} {x {0}} {y {0}} {type {R}} {moretags {}} } { set w 50 ; set h 18 ; set pinsin p1 ; set pinsout p2 global bcount mw mc if {$name == ""} {set name "R$bcount" ; set bcount [expr $bcount +1]} eval $mc create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] -tags "{$name newblock block $moretags}" -fill \"\" -outline black eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w/2] [expr $y+$h/2+1] -anchor c -text $name -fill darkblue -tags "{$name crb label $moretags}" set ii 0 foreach i $pinsin { eval $mc create text [expr $x-1] [expr $y+9+$ii] -anchor se -text $i -tags "{$name crb pinname $i $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x-20] [expr $y+10+$ii] [expr $x+0] [expr $y+10+$ii] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin $i typein $moretags}" set ii [expr $ii+15] } set ii 0 foreach i $pinsout { eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w+2] [expr $y+9+$ii] -anchor sw -text $i -tags "{$name crb pinname $i $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x+$w+20] [expr $y+10+$ii] [expr $x+$w+0] [expr $y+10+$ii] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin $i typeout $moretags}" set ii [expr $ii+15] } } Which is quickly derived from ''newblock'' for now this procedure creates a resistor schematic symbol, in horizontal form, and the parameter type isn't checked yet: [] After playing a little with the graphics (interpreted languages with graphics are fun!) I added a capacitor drawing: proc newnetwelm { {name {}} {x {0}} {y {0}} {type {R}} {moretags {}} } { global bcount mw mc switch $type R { set w 50 ; set h 18 ; set pinsin p1 ; set pinsout p2 if {$name == ""} {set name "R$bcount" ; set bcount [expr $bcount +1]} eval $mc create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] -tags "{$name newblock block $moretags}" -fill \"\" -outline black eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w/2] [expr $y+$h/2+1] -anchor c -text $name -fill darkblue -tags "{$name crb label $moretags}" set ii 0 foreach i $pinsin { eval $mc create text [expr $x-1] [expr $y+9+$ii] -anchor se -text $i -tags "{$name crb pinname $i $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x-20] [expr $y+10+$ii] [expr $x+0] [expr $y+10+$ii] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin $i typein $moretags}" set ii [expr $ii+15] } set ii 0 foreach i $pinsout { eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w+2] [expr $y+9+$ii] -anchor sw -text $i -tags "{$name crb pinname $i $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x+$w+20] [expr $y+10+$ii] [expr $x+$w+0] [expr $y+10+$ii] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin $i typeout $moretags}" set ii [expr $ii+15] } } C { set w 18 ; set h 27 if {$name == ""} {set name "C$bcount" ; set bcount [expr $bcount +1]} eval $mc create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w/3] [expr $y+$h] -tags "{$name newblock block $moretags}" -fill black -outline black eval $mc create rect [expr $x+$w*(2.0/3)] [expr $y] [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] -tags "{$name newblock block $moretags}" -fill black -outline black eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w/2] [expr $y+$h+1] -anchor n -text $name -fill darkblue -tags "{$name crb label $moretags}" eval $mc create text [expr $x-1] [expr $y+$h/2-1] -anchor se -text p1 -tags "{$name crb pinname p1 $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x-20] [expr $y+$h/2] [expr $x+0] [expr $y+ $h/2] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin p1 typein $moretags}" eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w+2] [expr $y+$h/2-1] -anchor sw -text p2 -tags "{$name crb pinname p2 $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x+$w+20] [expr $y+$h/2] [expr $x+$w+0] [expr $y+$h/2] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin p2 typeout $moretags}" } default { puts stdout "Unknown network element" $type } } Some elements used in Bwise: [] It shouldn't be too hard to adapt the elements shape because I in the procedure newnetwelm use variables for the width and the height of the drawn element. For the moment there are three major lines in this subject I think: more elements, getting a netlist of the resulting schematics, maybe with the seperate determination of the network nodes (or loops) in the equivalent electrical network, and of course we will want to generate a (possibly complex and with rational/symbolic computations) matrix which describes a physically realisable system with the Modified Nodal Analysis method (see for instance [] ) and preferably solve for the currents or voltages in the network! For an example of the solving of a (complex) system of linear equaltions in matrix form using tcl driving maxima to do the symbolic processing, see [interfacing tcl to solve matrices in maxima]. ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!