Version 0 of NASA IMAGE Mission

Updated 2009-05-03 04:19:58 by SEH

The NASA IMAGE mission involved launching a spacecraft to make detailed measurements of Earth's magnetosphere. It relied heavily on Tck/Tk for processing and display of data.

The software developed for the mission is publically available at: [L1 ]

A number of general purpose utility functions were written in Tcl for use in data processing. See [L2 ].

Some of the functions:

      TUarrayMath         Utilities applicable to numerical arrays
      TUbessenFN         Compute Bessel Functions
      TUdataCT         Geophysical coordinate transformations.
      TUdataFilter         1-D Data Filtering
      TUdataGrid         Place a set of data into a regular data grid (matrix)
      TUdataLSq1D         Generalized 1D Least Squares Fit
      TUdataLSq2D         2D Least Squares Fit
      TUdataLSq3D         3D Least Squares Fit
      TUdataMxMn         Maximum/Minimum locator for arrays of data.
      TUdataNLinLSq         Non-linear 2D Least Squares Fit to a Function
      TUdataNoOctal         Convert integer string to numerical value
      TUdataRnd1         Random number generator.
      TUdataStat         Determine the average value and variance of a data array.
      TUdataSwap         Swaps two data values
      TUdateConv         Convert Year/Day to Year/Month/Day and vice-versa
      TUfileSeek         Reposition the file pointer in a file
      TUgammaFn         Compute Γ(x) or ln(Γ(x))
      TUgridCut         Returns intensities along a cut through a grid
      TUgridFill1D         Fill gaps in a 1D data grid
      TUgridFill12D         Fill gaps in a 2D data grid
      TUgridFilter         Filter a 2D data grid
      TUgridGrow         Add rows or columns to a filled 2D grid
      TUgridInfo         Obtain information about a grid
      TUgridMath         Set of math operations suitable for data grids.
      TUgridNoise         Grid noise removal algorithms.
      TUgridPrint         Dump a grid to an ASCII file.
      TUgridReGrid         Regrid a grid
      TUgridRowCol         Get or replace a row or column of data in a grid
      TUgridTrim         Trim unused rows or columns off a grid
      TUintegTrap         Perform numerical integration
      TUlinearEq         Solve N coupled linear equations
      TUmatrixEig         Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix
      TUmatrixInv         Matrix inversion and linear equation solver
      TUmatrixMath         Perform matrix operations
      TUmatrixRot         Rotation transformation matrix builder
      TUpolyExp1D         Computes the result of a 1D polynomial expression
      TUpolyExp2D         Computes the result of a 2D polynomial expression
      TUpolyExp3D         Computes the result of a 3D polynomial expression
      TUreadUDFrc         Parse the UDFrc file
      TUsolveCubic         Computes the solutions to a cubic equation.
      TUsolveQuadratic         Computes the solutions to a quadratic equation.
      TUtimeCmp         Compare two times
      TUtimeFmt         Change time formats.
      TUtimeJulian         Compute a Julian time
      TUvecMath         A set of vector utilities
      TUyearLeap         Determines if a year is a leap year or not.