Peter Berger wrote: > I have been charged with the task of presenting data. I recieve a list in > alphabetical order such as: a b c d e f g h i j, and need to present it in a > dialog and organized in rows or columns such as: > a e i > b f j > c g > d h > If the dialog expands the number of columns should increase. Currently I > use this code: > > pack [text .text -wrap word -tabs "1.25i left" -setgrid 0] > set alist "apple bear cow dear elephant fine grape hello idol" > foreach a $alist {.text insert end "$a\t"} > > but this orginizes data as: > a b c > d e ... > Anyone have any ideas on how I can switch to the other format? ''KBK'' replies (20 Feb 2001): Are you really trying, instead, to do a multi-column [listbox]? If so, then [Bwidget] and [Tix] both have them, and you should probably just pick up one of them. ''([DKF]: In [Tk 8.5] or [Tile], you can also use the [ttk::treeview] widget.)'' If you really need multi-column display in a [text] widget, read on... I started to code this, and it turned out to be more interesting than I thought. I assume that you don't know the height of the text in advance, so you have to bind to the '''''' event and adjust your columns on the fly. The code I came up with is shown below. Check out what happens when you resize the window. ---- # Schedule to lay out the columns of the text from the idle loop proc repackWhenIdle { w args } { variable repackPending if { ! [info exists repackPending($w)] } { set repackPending($w) {} after idle [list [namespace code repack] $w] } return } # Lay out the columns of the text. proc repack { w } { variable repackPending variable list # Reset the flag that keeps this from being repeat-scheduled. catch { [unset repackPending($w)] } # Clear the old content of the widget $w configure -state normal $w delete 1.0 end # Calculate number of lines to display set lineHeight [font metrics [$w cget -font] -linespace] set textHeight [expr { [winfo height $w] - 2 * [$w cget -borderwidth] }] set numLines [expr { int( $textHeight / $lineHeight ) }] # Bail out if the widget is too small to display anything if { $numLines < 1 } { return } # Insert the requisite number of newlines, plus one for { set i 0 } { $i < $numLines } { incr i } { $w insert end \n {} } # Build up the list, in columns set line 1 set sep {} foreach item $list { incr line $w insert "${line}.0-1c" $sep {} $item {} if { $line > $numLines } { set line 1 set sep "\t" } } # Delete the excess newline $w delete end-1l end $w configure -state disabled return } # Set up the text grid [text .t \ -state disabled \ -wrap none \ -font {Helvetica 12} \ -width 40 -height 7 \ -tabs {1.25i left} ] \ -sticky nsew grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 # Arrange to repack the text when either the text geometry or the # list content changes trace variable list w [list repackWhenIdle .t] bind .t [list repackWhenIdle %W] # Set initial content of the list set list { apple blackberry blueberry cherry grape grapefruit kiwi kumquat lemon nectarine orange peach pear plum prune raisin raspberry strawberry tangerine } ---- [WJG] (28/Jan/10) This is a simple solution that I came up with. With a little adjustment it could be adapted to become stand-alone proc. ====== #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" #--------------- package require Gnocl set txt1 [gnocl::text] gnocl::window -child $txt1 -defaultWidth 320 -defaultHeight 200 set data {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} set rows(max) 6 set r 0 ;# row counter # initialise array to hold output strings for {set i 0 } {$i < $rows(max) } {incr i} { set rows($i) {} } # build up the output strings for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $data] } {incr i} { set rows($r) "$rows($r)\t[lindex $data $i]" incr r if {$r == $rows(max) } {set r 0} } # insert int the text for {set i 0 } {$i < $rows(max) } {incr i} { $txt1 insert end $rows($i)\n } ====== And this is what it produces: [] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category GUI] |% !!!!!!