[ulis], 2004-01-29. No, Tcl nor Tk can move your mouse or your hand. But Tk (with the help of Tcl) can move the mouse cursor on your screen. The trick is to use the '''-warp''' option of the '''event generate''' command. (This trick comes from [Kroc]). This is covered in [warp] A little script to illustrate this: pack [button .b -text Ok -width 4 -command exit] bind . { set ::stop 1 } update set stop 0 set x -20; set y -10; set incrx 1; set incry 0.5 proc move {} \ { if {$::stop} { return } set ::x [expr {$::x + $::incrx}] set ::y [expr {$::y + $::incry}] if {$::x < 20} \ { event generate .b -warp 1 -x $::x -y $::y after 100 move } \ else \ { event generate .b after 100 event generate .b } } focus -f . raise . move ---- Category ?