Hi, my name is Hase, and I know everything :-) Well, except for Tcl, which someone recommended to me, and that's why I'm here - looking for a good introduction, tutorials etc. I'm going to comment and rate the pages as I go. From a newbie-perspective, that is. Pages I have found so far: * http://tcl.tk/ - nice domain, easy to remember * http://wiki.tcl.tk/ - Startpage of wiki - Why is there no date on news-items like "Tcl/Tk 8.6.1 Released" ? -- * [Binary Distributions] * [Getting Tcl/Tk] - "for source distributions" --> no introduction, no advice about what to get * [Getting Started] - "most popular binary distributions" but page has only a few links * [Batteries Included] - Wishlist -> useless for newbies * [Installing Tcl] - Binary installs just for Ubuntu and iPaq ? - * [An Introduction to Tcl Scripting] - Tutorial: "Tcl/Tk Tutorial, Part II: Language Overview" --> where is part I ? * [Beginning Tcl] ** [beginner] ... ---- What I really want is a complete "computing environment", that can do everything, fast, free, small, portable, easy to understand, quick to setup, safe, secure, well supported, etc. etc. It should be able to work with no internet, if out in the wilderness (say, working at a friend's PC). Ok, maybe some of that needs to be tuned back a notch :-) One part of that package would be some programming-language, because not for everything there is an app. Well, maybe there is, but maybe I dont like it, or it has ads/spyware/cost/whatever, or it maybe just doesn't cover my usecase. For example, a usb-stick with several partitions, say for windows, linux, data&documents. The windows-part gets a bunch of portable apps: Browser, Mail, Editor, Calculator, Officepackage, Imageviewer/Paint, Mediaplayer, misc.utilities. The linux-part gets some linux-distro with software that does about the same stuff. The data-part gets all the music/text/pics etc. For doing calculations, a spreadsheet should do. Smallish programs can be run online, for example at http://www.lua.org/demo.html or http://codepad.org/ Some software that is pretty standard on Linux can be used for programming, such as awk and perl. There are some "mainstream" programming-languages: * C++/C#/VisualXY, but that is Microsoft, meaning Windows-only * Java/Eclipse/Netbeans * PHP - mostly for web-applications, that means for running them a webserver is needed (say ) * Python, Ruby ... Then, there is http://www.thefreecountry.com/compilers/index.shtml and http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages And "real" programs need a gui, that means some toolkit is needed for that (FLTK, GTK, QT, Tk, WxWidgets, whatever) All that means, there are lots of things that might be usable to fill the niche "programming-language", and I'm not sure what would be "best". ---- [jorge]: depending on what your background is (if you are new to programming, or just new to Tcl) a different tutorial style/content may be better, but I recommend:<
> http://www.cwflynt.com/CS146GameLab/ [PYK] 2014-09-12: Hase, welcome, and thank you for taking notes from your perspective as you go! This is helpful to people who are working to organize the wiki to make it more useful to beginners. You might want to join the [Tcl Chatroom], where people hang out all day discussing Tcl and helping beginners. Feel free to dive in and edit wiki pages whenever you think you can improve one. It's a great way to get more feedback from the community, and helps to keep things up-to-date. [MiHa] Thanks for the invitation! I think my english is quite good, but not up to speed for live discussions. <>Person