A page for code snippets for MetaKit ---- [CMcC] found layout format annoying in its terseness, so wrote a simple wrapper to allow comments: proc layout {string} { set result "" foreach line [split $string \n] { set line [string trim [lindex [split $line \#] 0]] if {$line eq ""} continue foreach {name t} [split $line :] break if {$t eq ""} { set t "S" } #puts stderr "Layout: $line -> $name:$t" append result "$name:$t" \n } return $result } Example: set trouble_layout [layout { user # user with trouble mid # message id error:I # error code text # error text }] ::mk::view layout $db.trouble $trouble_layout '''How do I get a 'distinct' item result set?''' Partnumber 0001 0001 0001 0003 0004 0006 0006 and you want to retrieve the unique values only -- such as: Partnumber 0001 0002 0003 0004 0006 # code here -----