This page is spawned from [Years, months, days, etc. between two dates] This code might provide some useful insight for regression tests with tcl time features. On a couple of occasions, drafts of this code identified discrepancies. procs: 1. clock_scan_interval outputs a timestamp in seconds given a timestammp in seconds and a relative time unit 1. interval_ymdhs counts from earliest date forward 1. interval_ymdhs_w_units includes units with interval_ymdhs output 1. interval_remains_ymdhs counts from latest date backward 1. interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units includes units with interval_remains_ymdhs ====== proc clock_scan_interval { seconds delta units } { # clock_scan_interval formats $seconds to a string for processing by clock scan # then returns new timestamp in seconds set stamp [clock format $seconds -format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"] if { $delta < 0 } { append stamp " - " [expr { abs( $delta ) } ] " " $units } else { append stamp " + " $delta " " $units } return [clock scan $stamp] } proc interval_ymdhs { s1 s2 } { # interval_ymdhs calculates the interval of time between # the earliest date and the last date # by starting to count at the earliest date. # This proc has audit features. It will automatically # attempt to correct and report any discrepancies it finds. # if s1 and s2 aren't in seconds, convert to seconds. if { ![string is integer -strict $s1] } { set s1 [clock scan $s1] } if { ![string is integer -strict $s2] } { set s2 [clock scan $s2] } # postgreSQL intervals determine month length based on earliest date in interval calculations. # set s1 to s2 in chronological sequence set sn_list [lsort -integer [list $s1 $s2]] set s1 [lindex $sn_list 0] set s2 [lindex $sn_list 1] # Arithmetic is done from most significant to least significant # The interval is spanned in largest units first. # A new position s1_pN is calculated for the Nth move along the interval. # s1 is s1_p0 # Calculate years from s1_p0 to s2 set y_count 0 set s1_p0 $s1 set s2_y_check $s1_p0 while { $s2_y_check <= $s2 } { set s1_p1 $s2_y_check set y $y_count incr y_count set s2_y_check [clock_scan_interval $s1_p0 $y_count years] } # interval s1_p0 to s1_p1 counted in y years # is the base offset incremented one too much? set s2_y_check [clock_scan_interval $s1 $y years] if { $s2_y_check > $s2 } { set y [expr { $y - 1 } ] set s2_y_check [clock_scan_interval $s1 $y years] } # increment s1 (s1_p0) forward y years to s1_p1 if { $y == 0 } { set s1_p1 $s1 } else { set s1_p1 [clock_scan_interval $s1 $y years] } # interval s1 to s1_p1 counted in y years # Calculate months from s1_p1 to s2 set m_count 0 set s2_m_check $s1_p1 while { $s2_m_check <= $s2 } { set s1_p2 $s2_m_check set m $m_count incr m_count set s2_m_check [clock_scan_interval $s1_p1 $m_count months] } # interval s1_p1 to s1_p2 counted in m months # Calculate interval s1_p2 to s2 in days # day_in_sec [expr { 60 * 60 * 24 } ] # 86400 # Since length of month is not relative, use math. # Clip any fractional part. set d [expr { ( $s2 - $s1_p2 ) / 86400 } ] # Move interval from s1_p2 to s1_p3 set s1_p3 [clock_scan_interval $s1_p2 $d days] # s1_p3 is less than a day from s2 # Calculate interval s1_p3 to s2 in hours # hour_in_sec [expr { 60 * 60 } ] # 3600 set h [expr { ( $s2 - $s1_p3 ) / 3600 } ] # Move interval from s1_p3 to s1_p4 set s1_p4 [clock_scan_interval $s1_p3 $h hours] # s1_p4 is less than an hour from s2 # puts "debug s1 $s1 s1_p1 $s1_p1 s1_p2 $s1_p2 s1_p3 $s1_p3 s1_p4 $s1_p4" # puts "debug y $y m $m d $d h $h" # Sometimes h = 24, yet is already included as a day! # For example, this case: # interval_ymdhs 20010410T000000 19570613T000000 # from Age() example in PostgreSQL documentation: # # psql test=# select age(timestamp '2001-04-10', timestamp '1957-06-13'); # age # ------------------------- # 43 years 9 mons 27 days # (1 row) # According to LibreCalc, the difference is 16007 days #puts "s2=s1+16007days? [clock format [clock_scan_interval $s1 16007 days] -format %Y%m%dT%H%M%S]" # ^ this calc is consistent with 16007 days # So, let's ignore the Postgresql irregularity for now. # Here's more background: # # # So, Postgres had a bug.. # Sanity check: if 24 hours, push it up to a day unit if { $h >= 24 } { # adjust 24 hours to 1 day # puts "interval_ymdhs: debug info h -24, d + 1" set h [expr { $h - 24 } ] incr d set h_correction_p 1 } else { set h_correction_p 0 } # Calculate interval s1_p4 to s2 in minutes # minute_in_sec [expr { 60 } ] # 60 set mm [expr { ( $s2 - $s1_p4 ) / 60 } ] # Move interval from s1_p4 to s1_p5 set s1_p6 [clock_scan_interval $s1_p4 $mm minutes] # Sanity check: if 60 minutes, push it up to an hour unit if { $mm >= 60 } { # adjust 60 minutes to 1 hour # puts "interval_ymdhs: debug info mm - 60, h + 1" set mm [expr { $mm - 60 } ] incr h set mm_correction_p 1 } else { set mm_correction_p 0 } # Calculate interval s1_p6 to s2 in seconds set s [expr { int( $s2 - $s1_p6 ) } ] # Sanity check: if 60 seconds, push it up to one minute unit if { $s >= 60 } { # adjust 60 minutes to 1 hour set s [expr { $s - 60 } ] incr mm set s_correction_p 1 } else { set s_correction_p 0 } set return_list [list $y $m $d $h $mm $s] # test results by adding difference to s1 to get s2: set i 0 set s1_test [clock format $s1 -format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"] foreach unit {years months days hours minutes seconds} { set t_term [lindex $return_list $i] if { $t_term != 0 } { if { $t_term > 0 } { append s1_test " + $t_term $unit" } else { append s1_test " - [expr { abs( $t_term ) } ] $unit" } } incr i } set s2_test [clock scan $s1_test] # puts "test s2 '$s2_test' from: '$s1_test'" set counter 0 while { $s2 ne $s2_test && $counter < 30 } { set s2_diff [expr { $s2_test - $s2 } ] puts "\ninterval_ymdhs: debug s1 $s1 s2 $s2 y $y m $m d $d h $h s $s s2_diff $s2_diff" if { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] > 86399 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr d -1 puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to $d" } else { incr d puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 day to $d" } } elseif { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] > 3599 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr h -1 puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 hour to $h" } else { incr h puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 hour to $h" } } elseif { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] > 59 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr mm -1 puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 minute to $mm" } else { incr mm puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 minute to $mm" } } elseif { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] > 0 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr s -1 puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 second to $s" } else { incr s puts "interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 second to $s" } } set return_list [list $y $m $d $h $mm $s] # set return_list [list [expr { abs($y) } ] [expr { abs($m) } ] [expr { abs($d) } ] [expr { abs($h) } ] [expr { abs($mm) } ] [expr { abs($s) } ]] # test results by adding difference to s1 to get s2: set i 0 set s1_test [clock format $s1 -format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"] foreach unit {years months days hours minutes seconds} { set t_term [lindex $return_list $i] if { $t_term != 0 } { if { $t_term > 0 } { append s1_test " + $t_term $unit" } else { append s1_test " - [expr { abs( $t_term ) } ] $unit" } } incr i } set s2_test [clock scan $s1_test] incr counter } if { $counter > 0 && ( $h_correction_p || $mm_correction_p || $s_correction_p ) } { puts "interval_ymdhs: Corrections in the main calculation were applied: h ${h_correction_p}, mm ${mm_correction_p}, s ${s_correction_p}" } if { $s2 eq $s2_test } { return $return_list } else { set s2_diff [expr { $s2_test - $s2 } ] puts "debug s1 $s1 s1_p1 $s1_p1 s1_p2 $s1_p2 s1_p3 $s1_p3 s1_p4 $s1_p4" puts "debug y $y m $m d $d h $h" puts "interval_ymdhs error: s2 is '$s2' but s2_test is '$s2_test' a difference of ${s2_diff} from s1 '$s1_test'." # error "result audit fails" "error: s2 is $s2 but s2_test is '$s2_test' a difference of ${s2_diff} from: '$s1_test'." } } proc interval_ymdhs_w_units { t1 t2 } { # interval_ymdhs_w_units # returns interval_ymdhs values with units set v_list [interval_ymdhs $t2 $t1] set i 0 set a "" foreach f {years months days hours minutes seconds} { append a "[lindex $v_list $i] $f \n" incr i } return $a } proc interval_remains_ymdhs { s1 s2 } { # interval_remains_ymdhs calculates the interval of time between # the earliest date and the last date # by starting to count at the last date and work backwards in time. # This proc has audit features. It will automatically # attempt to correct and report any discrepancies it finds. # if s1 and s2 aren't in seconds, convert to seconds. if { ![string is integer -strict $s1] } { set s1 [clock scan $s1] } if { ![string is integer -strict $s2] } { set s2 [clock scan $s2] } # set s1 to s2 in reverse chronological sequence set sn_list [lsort -decreasing -integer [list $s1 $s2]] set s1 [lindex $sn_list 0] set s2 [lindex $sn_list 1] # Arithmetic is done from most significant to least significant # The interval is spanned in largest units first. # A new position s1_pN is calculated for the Nth move along the interval. # s1 is s1_p0 # Calculate years from s1_p0 to s2 set y_count 0 set s1_p0 $s1 set s2_y_check $s1_p0 while { $s2_y_check > $s2 } { set s1_p1 $s2_y_check set y $y_count incr y_count -1 set s2_y_check [clock_scan_interval $s1_p0 $y_count years] } # interval s1_p0 to s1_p1 counted in y years # Calculate months from s1_p1 to s2 set m_count 0 set s2_m_check $s1_p1 while { $s2_m_check > $s2 } { set s1_p2 $s2_m_check set m $m_count incr m_count -1 set s2_m_check [clock_scan_interval $s1_p1 $m_count months] } # interval s1_p1 to s1_p2 counted in m months # Calculate interval s1_p2 to s2 in days # day_in_sec [expr { 60 * 60 * 24 } ] # 86400 # Since length of month is not relative, use math. # Clip any fractional part. set d [expr { ( $s2 - $s1_p2 ) / 86400 } ] # Move interval from s1_p2 to s1_p3 set s1_p3 [clock_scan_interval $s1_p2 $d days] # s1_p3 is less than a day from s2 # Calculate interval s1_p3 to s2 in hours # hour_in_sec [expr { 60 * 60 } ] # 3600 set h [expr { ( $s2 - $s1_p3 ) / 3600 } ] # Move interval from s1_p3 to s1_p4 set s1_p4 [clock_scan_interval $s1_p3 $h hours] # s1_p4 is less than an hour from s2 # puts "debug s1 $s1 s1_p1 $s1_p1 s1_p2 $s1_p2 s1_p3 $s1_p3 s1_p4 $s1_p4" # puts "debug y $y m $m d $d h $h" # Sanity check: if 24 hours, push it up to a day unit if { $h <= -24 } { # adjust 24 hours to 1 day # puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug info h + 24, d - 1" set h [expr { $h + 24 } ] incr d -1 set h_correction_p 1 } else { set h_correction_p 0 } # Calculate interval s1_p4 to s2 in minutes # minute_in_sec [expr { 60 } ] # 60 set mm [expr { ( $s2 - $s1_p4 ) / 60 } ] # Move interval from s1_p4 to s1_p5 set s1_p6 [clock_scan_interval $s1_p4 $mm minutes] # Sanity check: if 60 minutes, push it up to an hour unit if { $mm <= -60 } { # adjust 60 minutes to 1 hour # puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug info mm + 60, h - 1" set mm [expr { $mm + 60 } ] incr h -1 set mm_correction_p 1 } else { set mm_correction_p 0 } # Calculate interval s1_p6 to s2 in seconds set s [expr { int( $s2 - $s1_p6 ) } ] # Sanity check: if 60 seconds, push it up to one minute unit if { $s <= -60 } { # adjust 60 minutes to 1 hour set s [expr { $s + 60 } ] incr mm -1 set s_correction_p 1 } else { set s_correction_p 0 } set return_list [list $y $m $d $h $mm $s] # set return_list [list [expr { abs($y) } ] [expr { abs($m) } ] [expr { abs($d) } ] [expr { abs($h) } ] [expr { abs($mm) } ] [expr { abs($s) } ]] # test results by adding difference to s1 to get s2: set i 0 set s1_test [clock format $s1 -format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"] foreach unit {years months days hours minutes seconds} { set t_term [lindex $return_list $i] if { $t_term != 0 } { if { $t_term > 0 } { append s1_test " + $t_term $unit" } else { append s1_test " - [expr { abs( $t_term ) } ] $unit" } } incr i } set s2_test [clock scan $s1_test] # puts "test s2 '$s2_test' from: '$s1_test'" set counter 0 while { $s2 ne $s2_test && $counter < 3 } { set s2_diff [expr { $s2_test - $s2 } ] puts "\ninterval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 $s1 s2 $s2 y $y m $m d $d h $h s $s s2_diff $s2_diff" if { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] >= 86399 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr d -1 puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to $d" } else { incr d puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 day to $d" } } elseif { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] > 3599 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr h -1 puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 hour to $h" } else { incr h puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 hour to $h" } } elseif { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] > 59 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr mm -1 puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 minute to $mm" } else { incr mm puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 minute to $mm" } } elseif { [expr { abs($s2_diff) } ] > 0 } { if { $s2_diff > 0 } { incr s -1 puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 second to $s" } else { incr s puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. increasing 1 second to $s" } } set return_list [list $y $m $d $h $mm $s] # set return_list [list [expr { abs($y) } ] [expr { abs($m) } ] [expr { abs($d) } ] [expr { abs($h) } ] [expr { abs($mm) } ] [expr { abs($s) } ]] # test results by adding difference to s1 to get s2: set i 0 set s1_test [clock format $s1 -format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"] foreach unit {years months days hours minutes seconds} { set t_term [lindex $return_list $i] if { $t_term != 0 } { if { $t_term > 0 } { append s1_test " + $t_term $unit" } else { append s1_test " - [expr { abs( $t_term ) } ] $unit" } } incr i } set s2_test [clock scan $s1_test] incr counter } if { $counter > 0 && ( $h_correction_p || $mm_correction_p || $s_correction_p ) } { puts "interval_remains_ymdhs: Corrections in the main calculation were applied: h ${h_correction_p}, mm ${mm_correction_p}, s ${s_correction_p}" } if { $s2 eq $s2_test } { return $return_list } else { set s2_diff [expr { $s2_test - $s2 } ] puts "debug s1 $s1 s1_p1 $s1_p1 s1_p2 $s1_p2 s1_p3 $s1_p3 s1_p4 $s1_p4" puts "debug y $y m $m d $d h $h" puts "interval_remains_ymdhs error: s2 is '$s2' but s2_test is '$s2_test' a difference of ${s2_diff} from s1 '$s1_test'." # error "result audit fails" "error: s2 is $s2 but s2_test is '$s2_test' a difference of ${s2_diff} from: '$s1_test'." } } proc interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units { t1 t2 } { # interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units # returns interval_remains_ymdhs values with units set v_list [interval_ymdhs $t2 $t1] set i 0 set a "" foreach f {years months days hours minutes seconds} { append a "[lindex $v_list $i] $f \n" incr i } return $a } puts "\n\nTest cases for interval_ymdhs from :" set t1 "2002-01-31 01:23:45" set t2 "2002-02-28 12:34:56" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." set t1 "20020131T012345" set t2 "20020228T123456" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." puts "\n\nExamples of Age() interval calculations from PostgreSQL docs" # set t1 "2001-04-10" set t2 "1957-06-13" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." set t1 "2001-04-10 14:39:53" set t2 "1957-06-13" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." set t1 "2013-12-25" set t2 "1955-12-10" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." # following test per set t1 "2007-04-14" set t2 "2007-02-15" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2] 'should not be 1 month 27 days.'" set t1 "2007-03-14" set t2 "2007-01-15" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2] 'should not be 1 mon 30 days.'" puts "\n\nTest cases for interval_remains_ymdhs from :" set t1 "2002-01-31 01:23:45" set t2 "2002-02-28 12:34:56" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." set t1 "20020131T012345" set t2 "20020228T123456" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." puts "Examples of Age() interval calculations from PostgreSQL docs" # set t1 "2001-04-10" set t2 "1957-06-13" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." set t1 "2001-04-10 14:39:53" set t2 "1957-06-13" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." set t1 "2013-12-25" set t2 "1955-12-10" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2]." # following test per set t1 "2007-04-14" set t2 "2007-02-15" puts "The following match:" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2] 'should not be 1 month 27 days.'" set t1 "2007-03-14" set t2 "2007-01-15" puts "t1 $t1, t2 $t2, [interval_remains_ymdhs_w_units $t1 $t2] 'should not be 1 mon 30 days.'" puts "..providing insight into the quote on reference 1 that these results shouldn't match." puts "1. " puts "\n\nA block of random intervals tests:" puts "Tested intervals will show audit and/or error with debug info, if/when it finds discrepancies." puts -nonewline "Test begins" set counter 0 for {set ii 1} {$ii < 10} {incr ii} { # puts "\nTesting loop $counter." for {set i 1} {$i < 1000} {incr i} { set t1 [clock format [expr { round( rand() * 1500000000 ) } ] -format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"] set t2 [clock format [expr { round( rand() * 1600000000 ) } ] -format "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"] puts -nonewline "." set a [interval_ymdhs $t1 $t2] set b [interval_remains_ymdhs $t1 $t2] if { [expr { $counter / 80. } ] == [expr { $counter / 80 } ] } { # linebreak on 80 columns puts "" } incr counter } } ====== Sample output: ====== Test cases for interval_ymdhs from : t1 2002-01-31 01:23:45, t2 2002-02-28 12:34:56, 0 years 1 months 0 days 11 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds . t1 20020131T012345, t2 20020228T123456, 0 years 1 months 0 days 11 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds . Examples of Age() interval calculations from PostgreSQL docs t1 2001-04-10, t2 1957-06-13, 43 years 9 months 28 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds . t1 2001-04-10 14:39:53, t2 1957-06-13, 43 years 9 months 28 days 14 hours 39 minutes 53 seconds . t1 2013-12-25, t2 1955-12-10, 58 years 0 months 15 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds . t1 2007-04-14, t2 2007-02-15, 0 years 1 months 30 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds 'should not be 1 month 27 days.' t1 2007-03-14, t2 2007-01-15, 0 years 1 months 27 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds 'should not be 1 mon 30 days.' Test cases for interval_remains_ymdhs from : t1 2002-01-31 01:23:45, t2 2002-02-28 12:34:56, 0 years 1 months 0 days 11 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds . t1 20020131T012345, t2 20020228T123456, 0 years 1 months 0 days 11 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds . Examples of Age() interval calculations from PostgreSQL docs t1 2001-04-10, t2 1957-06-13, 43 years 9 months 28 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds . t1 2001-04-10 14:39:53, t2 1957-06-13, 43 years 9 months 28 days 14 hours 39 minutes 53 seconds . t1 2013-12-25, t2 1955-12-10, 58 years 0 months 15 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds . The following match: t1 2007-04-14, t2 2007-02-15, 0 years 1 months 30 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds 'should not be 1 month 27 days.' t1 2007-03-14, t2 2007-01-15, 0 years 1 months 27 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds 'should not be 1 mon 30 days.' ..providing insight into the quote on reference 1 that these results shouldn't match. 1. A block of random intervals tests: Tested intervals will show audit and/or error with debug info, if/when it finds discrepancies. Test begins. ....................................................... interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 951871459 s2 643858447 y -9 m -9 d -1 h 1 s 48 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -2 ......................... ................................................................................ ... .......................................................................... interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 1582985380 s2 714433513 y -27 m -6 d -7 h 8 s 33 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -8 ...... ... ..................... interval_ymdhs: debug s1 446964886 s2 1292254360 y 26 m 9 d 14 h 10 s 54 s2_diff 86400 interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to 13 ........................................................... ............................................. interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 1583047695 s2 880525026 y -22 m -3 d -4 h 22 s 51 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -5 ................................... ... ............................................... interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 1330568667 s2 1111396883 y -6 m -11 d -8 h 6 s 56 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -9 ................................. ... .................................................................... interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 1078061549 s2 512480664 y -17 m -10 d -31 h 22 s 55 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -32 ............ ................................................................................ .................. interval_ymdhs: debug s1 344582275 s2 1289124951 y 29 m 11 d 5 h 5 s 3596 s2_diff 3600 interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 hour to 4 interval_ymdhs: Corrections in the main calculation were applied: h 0, mm 0, s 1 .............................................................. ... ..................................................... interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 699351114 s2 196296522 y -15 m -11 d -7 h 14 s 48 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -8 .................... interval_ymdhs: debug s1 699404316 s2 947563690 y 7 m 10 d 13 h 5 s 34 s2_diff 86400 interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to 12 ....... ... ...... interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 951874792 s2 716183280 y -7 m -5 d -18 h 3 s 8 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -19 .......................................................................... ... ........... interval_remains_ymdhs: debug s1 1330544329 s2 750118842 y -18 m -4 d -20 h 3 s 53 s2_diff 86400 interval_remains_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 day to -21 ..................................................................... ... ............................... interval_ymdhs: debug s1 97181499 s2 972814369 y 27 m 8 d 29 h 16 s 3550 s2_diff 3600 interval_ymdhs: debug, audit adjustment. decreasing 1 hour to 15 interval_ymdhs: Corrections in the main calculation were applied: h 0, mm 0, s 1 ................................................. ................................................................................ .............................. ======