* Anyone knows how to create OSX file and desktop shortcuts using Tcl? I believe they are called "alias" [Lars H]: You might get by with creating a symbolic link, but proper aliases may be better as they do provide some additional functionality (for example, the target can often be found even if the folder it's in has been moved). Examining [Alpha]'s Mac Menu [http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/bdesgraupes/alphamenus.html#macmenu] recovers the following [TclAE] command for telling the Finder to create the alias: tclAE::send 'MACS' core crel kocl type(alia)\ insh [tclAE::build::foldername $where]\ "to " [tclAE::build::filename $sourceFile] Oh, and BTW "shortcut" is entirely the wrong name for this. In Mac HIG terminology, a "shortcut" [http://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGUserInput/chapter_11_section_3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000957-TP30000361-CHDIGFBH] is mostly the same thing as a key binding. (And as for the "shorcuts" in the title, I'm at a loss. The material should be moved to another page, and this page should be deleted.) ---- Category?