---- '''readPopUps: reading all the network-popup messages which habe been received on a machine out of the eventlog using [tcom] and''' '''''wmi'''''''':''' package require tcom proc readPopUps {{cb ""}} { set res {} if [catch {::tcom::ref getobject "winmgmts:root/CIMV2"} wmi] then { return -code error $wmi; # minimal errorhandling } set wql {select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where LogFile='System' and \ EventType='3' and \ SourceName='Application Popup'} if [catch {$wmi ExecQuery $wql} tmp] then { return -code error $tmp; # minimal errorhandling } # enumerating all 'records' ::tcom::foreach instance $tmp { set propSet [$instance Properties_] # only the property (object) 'Message' is of interest here set msgVal [[$propSet Item Message] Value] if {[string equal $cb ""]} { lappend res $msgVal } else { uplevel [list $cb $msgVal] } } return $res } '''A view tests/demos:''' '''''returning entries as a list, print them one by one in a loop afterwords:''''' foreach rec [readPopUps] { puts $rec; } '''''retrieving the entries via a directly coded callback:''''' readPopUps {puts} '''''retrieving the entries via a callback proc:''''' proc callBack {args} { puts $args } readPopUps callBack More technical infos can be found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnanchor/html/anch_wmi.asp. ---- '''Fragment: Creating Desktop-Shortcuts (Links) using WSH''' package require tcom set wsh [::tcom::ref createobject "WScript.Shell"] set fld [$wsh SpecialFolders] set dsk [$fld Item Desktop] set lnk [file join $dsk DiesIstEinProgrammatischErzeugterLnk.lnk] set lno [$wsh CreateShortcut $lnk] $lno TargetPath {"notepad.exe"} $lno Save Of course, this must be encapsulated and taken to a much higher abstraction level (something like ''wshGetSpecialFolder [[folderName]]'' and ''wshCreateLink args...'')