Version 1 of Managing the reference count of Tcl objects

Updated 2001-12-19 23:59:03

From a usenet posting by Andre Ponitz: (Sorry about losing the accented letters; the Wiki chokes on them)

 > Until now I have been using Tcl_Eval as the only method to access Tcl from
 > my C++-Code.
 > For performance reasons I'd like to switch to some more elaborate method,
 > but I am still confused where and when I have to call Tcl_IncrRefCount and
 > Tcl_DecrRefCount.
 > Specifically: Suppose I have an object that actually is a list. I have
 > called Tcl_IncrRefCount once on every item in the list and on the list
 > itself. How do I free the list?

You're making things difficult for yourself.

There's only one rule:

You need to worry about ref counts if and only if you have a Tcl_Obj* on the left hand side of an equal sign. In this case, you must

  1. Tcl_IncrRefCount() the new content of the variable.
  2. Make sure that you Tcl_DecrRefCount() the new content when you lose the reference, either because you overwrote it with another assignment or because it went out of scope.

If you know exactly what you're doing, you can sometimes skip incrementing/decrementing the ref count, because you're sure that there's another reference somewhere. But the rule above always works.

The problem with this rule is performance. Often the Tcl_IncrRefCount() makes an unshared object appear to be shared, and an extra Tcl_DuplicateObj() is needed. For this reason, you can optionally add a second rule:

  • If you're absolutely sure that nobody else will decrement the ref count of an object while you're holding a reference to it, you can skip manipulating the ref count.

Let's make an [lshift] command to illustrate how this works. The [lshift] command will accept the name of a variable that is presumed to be a list, and remove its first element. A Tcl equivalent would be:

 proc lshift { varName } {
     upvar 1 $varName var
     set var [lrange $var 1 end]

The following is a naive implementation of [lshift] in C. It is ultraconservative about reference counts; it always, always adjusts the count when it stores a Tcl_Obj pointer.

 Lshift_ObjCmd( ClientData unused,
                Tcl_Interp* interp,
                int objc,
                Tcl_Obj * CONST objv[] )
     Tcl_Obj* listPtr;    /* Pointer to the list being shifted. */
     int status;          /* Status return from Tcl library */

     /* Check arguments */

     if ( objc != 2 ) {
         Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, " varName" );
         return TCL_ERROR;

     /* Get a pointer to the list */ 

     listPtr = Tcl_ObjGetVar2( interp, objv[1], (Tcl_Obj*) NULL,
                               TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG );
     if (listPtr == NULL ) {
         return TCL_ERROR;

     /* See the discussion for comments on the following line */

     Tcl_IncrRefCount( listPtr );                        /* [A] */

     /* If the list object is shared, make a private copy. */

     if ( Tcl_IsShared( listPtr ) ) {
         Tcl_Obj* temp = listPtr;
         listPtr = Tcl_DuplicateObj( listPtr );
         Tcl_DecrRefCount( temp );
         Tcl_IncrRefCount( listPtr );

    • At this point, listPtr designates an unshared copy of the
    • list. Edit it.

     status = Tcl_ListObjReplace( interp, listPtr, 0, 1, 0, (Tcl_Obj*)NULL );

    • Put the new copy of the list back in the variable.

     if ( status == TCL_OK ) {
         status = Tcl_ObjSetVar2( interp, objv[ 1 ], (Tcl_Obj*) NULL,
                                  TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG );

    • Store the new copy of the list in the interpreter result.

     if ( status == TCL_OK ) {
         Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, listPtr );

     /* Record that listPtr is going out of scope */

     Tcl_DecrRefCount( listPtr );

     /* Tell the caller whether the operation worked. */

     return status;

OK, now why did I say this was a naive implementation? It's simple: After the Tcl_IncrRefCount() at [A] in the code, the object is always shared: there's at least the one reference to it in the variable table, and the one we just added. The result is that we'll always duplicate the object.

This is (only) a performance problem. The code as written will work. It simply won't be as fast as it might be. Making it faster in a safe manner requires a little bit of source diving to discover that Tcl_ListObjReplace() doesn't mess with the ref count of the list. Tcl_ObjSetVar2(), however, does adjust the ref count of the object stored in the variable. We therefore can let the ref count float while we're performing surgery on the list, as long as we repair it by the time we're storing it back in the variable.

That change leads us to the following:

 Lshift_ObjCmd( ClientData unused,
                Tcl_Interp* interp,
                int objc,
                Tcl_Obj * CONST objv[] )
     Tcl_Obj* listPtr;    /* Pointer to the list being shifted. */
     int status;          /* Status return from Tcl library */

     /* Check arguments */

     if ( objc != 2 ) {
         Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, " varName" );
         return TCL_ERROR;

     /* Get a pointer to the list */ 

     listPtr = Tcl_ObjGetVar2( interp, objv[1], (Tcl_Obj*) NULL,
                               TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG );
     if (listPtr == NULL ) {
         return TCL_ERROR;

    • We intend to perform surgery on the list object, so
    • avoid making adjustments to its reference count yet.
    • Hence, its reference count is one too low.

     /* REMOVED:  Tcl_IncrRefCount( listPtr ); */

     /* If the list object is shared, make a private copy. */

     if ( Tcl_IsShared( listPtr ) ) {
         Tcl_Obj* temp = listPtr;
         listPtr = Tcl_DuplicateObj( listPtr );
         /** PERFORMANCE CHANGE: At this point, we're not yet
    • tracking the reference count of listPtr. Its
    • reference count remains one too low.
    • REMOVED:
    • Tcl_DecrRefCount( temp );
    • Tcl_IncrRefCount( listPtr );

    • At this point, listPtrdesignates an unshared copy of the
    • list. Edit it.

     status = Tcl_ListObjReplace( interp, listPtr, 0, 1, 0, (Tcl_Obj*)NULL );

    • From this point forward, we ensure
    • that listPtr's reference count is correct.
    • ADDED: */
     Tcl_IncrRefCount( listPtr );

    • Put the new copy of the list back in the variable.

     if ( status == TCL_OK ) {
         status = Tcl_ObjSetVar2( interp, objv[ 1 ], (Tcl_Obj*) NULL,
                                  TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG );

    • Store the new copy of the list in the interpreter result.

     if ( status == TCL_OK ) {
         Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, listPtr );

     /* The reference to the list is going out of scope. */

     Tcl_DecrRefCount( listPtr );

     /* Tell the caller whether the operation worked.

     return status;