Version 7 of MAKR

Updated 2006-10-22 12:27:23

is the short signature of Matthias Kraft. I use this sig here and elsewhere.

I am a Software Engineer Specialist at Company: Software AG in Germany. To install our software on Unix systems a Tcl/Tk based application is used. And I am the one who is currently maintaining it.

Well, I thought these pages are missing:

There is an idea I had before looking into that AJAX stuff: It would be nice if one could just exchange the UI by changing the namespace of the used UI toolkit ...

 switch -- $ui {
   gui {
     # Graphical UI: Tile
     set uins "::ttk"
     set toplevel ""
   cli {
     # Console UI: a resurrection of [ck] maybe
     set uins "::ctk"
     set toplevel ""
   web {
     # Web UI: something [AJAX] driven
     set uins "::wtk"
     set toplevel [getSessionId]

 set button [${uins}::button $toplevel.b -text "Choose Me" -command [list choosen]]

Category Person